Apstrakt teze

Apstrakt teze

Picture of Ivica Nikolic
Apstrakt teze
by Ivica Nikolic - Thursday, 28 March 2013, 2:31 PM

U jednom dokumentu, u .pdf formatu veličine do 500 KB prikazati:

- naslov teze

- apstrakt 300-500 reči

- objasniti istraživačko pitanje i

- navesti poglavlja - strukturu teze/rada

Picture of Jelena Maric
Re: Apstrakt teze
by Jelena Maric - Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 1:15 AM


Picture of Jelena Maric
Re: Apstrakt teze
by Jelena Maric - Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 1:16 AM


Picture of Jelena Maric
Re: Apstrakt teze
by Jelena Maric - Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 1:17 AM

neki od prostornih planova koje bih analizirala...

Picture of Jelena Maric
Re: Apstrakt teze
by Jelena Maric - Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 2:21 AM

Teza br 2 :)

kada sam radila projekat shvatila sam da bi ova druga teza vise odgovarala

i mislim da imam vise materijala za nju


Picture of Natasa Jovanovic
Re: Apstrakt teze
by Natasa Jovanovic - Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 12:00 PM

Apstrakt + sadržaj

Picture of Jovana Stankovic
Re: Apstrakt teze
by Jovana Stankovic - Tuesday, 9 April 2013, 7:59 PM

Apstrakt i definisana poglavlja