
Glossary of characteristic, Revit related  terms.

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Active Option

The design option that you are currently editing. Elements in other options are hidden from view.

Area plan

Views that show spatial relationships based on area schemes and levels in your model. You can have multiple area plans for every area scheme and level.

Namena površina, plan funkcionalnih zona arhitektonskih objekata.



BOMA area: The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) has defined a set of definitions and area calculation rules that is widely used in the United States by architects, developers, and facilities managers to help standardize the process of office-building development. More information on the BOMA standards and calculation rules can be found at



The phase status assigned to elements that were created in an earlier phase and demolished in the current phase.

"Ruši se"

Design Option

An alternative design solution for a specific feature or problem. Design options are grouped into option sets.



The phase status assigned to elements that were created in an earlier phase and continues to exist in the current phase.

"Postojeće stanje"


Graphic Override

A rule that specifies how overridden elements be displayed based on their phase status.

Gross Area

Gross area: The overall area of a floor or footprint of the building.

Bruto površina objekta




The phase status assigned to elements that were created in the phase of the current view.

 "Zida se"


Option Set

A collection of design alternatives that focus on a particular aspect or feature of the design.

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