Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi

Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi

Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
maandag, 20 januari 2020, 16:03

Koristeći 3D L-System Applet (link ka aplikaciji iznad), napraviti prostorni L-sistem.

U prilogu dati karakterističan prikaz veličine 300/300 piksela (samo rezultujuća geometrija bez dodatnih podataka iz tabele). U tekstualnom delu odgovora dati karakteristike inicijalnog elementa produkciona pravila na bazi kojih je sistem moguće ponovo napraviti.

Napomena: zbog cestih tehnickih problema koji se javljaju pri koriscenju apleta, bice poslat cirkularni mejl sa jasnim putokazima kako se svaki od tih problema resava.

Primer odgovora na zadatak: 

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F [- ^ < F][ < + + ^ F ] //F [ - - ^ > F ] [+  ^ F ]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 15, 15

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: 000000, End color: ff3300, Background color: FFFFFF


Zadatak traje do 12.januara, do 22h.

Foto van Ognjen Bašić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ognjen Bašić - vrijdag, 3 januari 2020, 20:56

Variables: F,

Rules: F=F[-F][+F][-F[-F][+F]][+F[-F][+F]][-F[-F[-F[-F][+F]]]][-F[-F[-F][+F]]][+F[+F[-F][+F]]][+F[+F[+F[-F][+F]]]]f

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 0, 15

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3 

Start color: ffee00, End color: aa4fff, Background color: 2e2e2e

Foto van Marija Mitrić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marija Mitrić - vrijdag, 3 januari 2020, 22:07

Variables: F

Rules: F=F[+F][-F]^

Angle X,Y,Z: 20;20;20

Line lenght:80


Line width:1

Start color: ff2555

End color: 00000

Background color: FFFFFF

Foto van Nikola Markanović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Nikola Markanović - zaterdag, 4 januari 2020, 01:40

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F[-F+F][+F-F]fF

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 0, 30

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 5

Start color: fFFF10, End color: FF10, Background color: F10


Foto van Pavle Aksentijević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Pavle Aksentijević - donderdag, 9 januari 2020, 23:58

Variables: F

Rules: F= F_F-F_F-F_F-F

Angle X,Y,Z: 30;45;75

Line lenght: 666


Line width:1

Start color: ff34f

End color: f3f

Background color: f

Foto van Ivona Bojović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ivona Bojović - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 20:54
Variables: F, 

 Rules: F= F+F_] 


 Center x: 0

 Center y: 6 

 Step: 96 px 

 Angle: 29

 Width: 400 

Height: 400 

 Iterations: 5 

 Background color: 000000

 Pen color: 0000FF 

 Target pen color: ff0000

 Dot color: 00ff00

 Ovaj zadatak je odradjen u drugom programu ( koji je predlozila asistentkinja Jelena Ivanovic.

Foto van Kristina Živanović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Kristina Živanović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 16:42

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F++F++F++(FF+F)++F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 40, Line width: 3, Iterations: 4

Start color: FAD802, End color: FF6D04, Background color: 4E4844

Foto van una divovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door una divovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:59
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sofija Ranković - vrijdag, 3 januari 2020, 21:15

Variables: F  

Rules: F= F [_F + + F] [^FF_+/] -

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y & Z: 0, 3, 60

Line length: 50

Iterations: 4

Line width: 10

Start color: 001234

End color: 952680

Background color: F

Foto van Aна Станишић
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Aна Станишић - zaterdag, 4 januari 2020, 01:17


Rules:F=F [- ^ < F][ < + + ^ F ] //F [ - - ^ > F ] [+  ^ F ]

Initial state:F

Angle X, Y $ Z: 90, 180, 90

Line length:40


Line width:50

Start color: 00000

End color: ff3045

Background color: FFFFF

Foto van Sara Dopudj
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sara Dopudj - zaterdag, 4 januari 2020, 12:28


Rules:F=F [_F + + F] [^FF_+/] -F*FF[ff

Initial state:FFFFFFFFFFF

AngleX,Y & Z:0,15,15

Line length:50


Line width:3

Start color:005964

End color:f

Background color:f

Foto van Simona Stanišić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Simona Stanišić - zaterdag, 4 januari 2020, 12:36

Variables: F

Rules: F= [^F_F]+[^F_F]+[^F_F]+[^F_F]

Angle X,Y,Z: 30;30;20

Line lenght: 35

Iteration: 3

Line width: 1

Start color: 33cccc

End color: ff3385

Background color: 424242

Foto van Anđela Dimitrijević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anđela Dimitrijević - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 14:11

Variables: F

Rules: F=FF_F+F_F+F+F+F+F [+F][-f]

Angle X,Y,Z: 30;10;100

Line lenght: 50

Iteration: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: FF0000

End color: FFF

Background color: F

Foto van Jovana Ackovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jovana Ackovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 00:21

Variables: F

Rules: F= [^F_F]+[^F_F]+\[^F_F]+++[^F_F]\+/[^F_F]+[^F_f]+[^f_f]

Angle X,Y,Z: 40, 35, 20

Line lenght: 35

Iteration: 3

Line width: 1

Start color: 45aa4

End color: 22ccc2

Background color: 3535

Foto van Marta Komljenović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marta Komljenović - zaterdag, 4 januari 2020, 15:14

Variables: F

Rules: F= [F^F-F-F^F-F]\ffF_F_F-F_F_F

Angle X,Y,Z: 15;15;15

Line lenght:40


Line width:3

Start color: FF00FF

End color: 191970

Background color: 000000

Foto van Ana Dragoslavić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ana Dragoslavić - zaterdag, 4 januari 2020, 18:13


Variables: F

Rules: F=F[-FF][+FF]F[-FF][+FF]FF

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 0, 30

Line length: 40

Iterations: 3

Line width: 1

Start color: F7FE2E

End color: 40FF00

Background color: 000000

Foto van Ana Dragoslavić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ana Dragoslavić - zaterdag, 4 januari 2020, 18:20


Variables: F

Rules: F=F[-FF][+FF]F[-FF][+FF]F

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 0, 30

Line length: 40

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: 5F04B4

End color: FE2E9A

Background color: F4

Foto van Ana Dragoslavić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ana Dragoslavić - zaterdag, 4 januari 2020, 21:16


Variables: F

Rules: F=F+-[F^/F]-

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 7, 9, 5

Line length: 30

Iterations: 7

Line width: 1

Start color: 8000FF

End color: FA58F4

Background color: FFFFFF

Foto van Nenad Nikolić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Nenad Nikolić - zaterdag, 4 januari 2020, 22:17

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+-[F^/F]-F

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 7, 15, 15

Line length: 33

Iterations: 4

Line width: 3

Start color: 000000

End color: FFFFFF

Background color: 000000

Foto van Jana Mirkovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jana Mirkovic - zaterdag, 4 januari 2020, 22:43

Variables: F

Rules: F=F [+F ] [-F ]

Angle X, Y, Z: 20, 20, 20

Line lenght: 40

Iteration: 10

Line width: 3

Start color: ffee0

End color: 000000

Background color: 2e2e

Foto van Ksenija Stanić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ksenija Stanić - zaterdag, 4 januari 2020, 22:44

Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F +F_F +F +F

Angle X, Y, Z: 0; 10; 200

Line lenght: 40

Iteration: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: FF00FF

End color: FFFF00

Background color: 000000

Foto van Medina Lakota
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Medina Lakota - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 01:49

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F++F+F

Initial state: FFFF

Angle X,Y&Z: 77 , 44, 999

Line length: 280

Iterations: 3

Line width: 2

Start color: 88

End color: 711

Background color: F33885

Foto van Aleksej Tasev
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Aleksej Tasev - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 13:47

Variables: F 

Rules: F=F+F++F+F-FF+F

Initial state: FFF

Angle X,Y & Z: 22, 42, 69

Line Lenght: 25 

Iterations: 4

Line Width: 1

Start/End Color: EEDDAA/EEAAB5

Background Color: 4C4C4B

Foto van Milica Raskovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Milica Raskovic - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 14:47

Slika je veca od zadate velicine zbog bolje preglednosti

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F+F__f+f+f_

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 40, 60

Line length: 300

Line width: 1

Iterations: 4 

Start color: 8181F7

End color: E0E0F8

Background color: F

Foto van Teodora Radaković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Teodora Radaković - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 15:12

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F+__

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 0,45,60

Line length: 80

Iterations: 6

Line width: 1

Start color: B463

End color: AA5863

Background color: F12

Foto van Jelena Stevanovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jelena Stevanovic - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 16:31

Variables: F

Rules: F=F[--F][^^F ][+F]\\F [--/FF ] [__FF ]

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y,Z: 15, 15, 15 Line length: 20 Iterations: 4

Line width: 1 Start color: FFFFFF End color: 123456 Background color: 000000

Foto van Ana Krivokuća
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ana Krivokuća - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 16:48

Variables: F

Rules: F=F=F_FFF[F+fffFFF-FF-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-FFFFF-F-F-F]-FFffF++FF-F+F-------

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 50, 60, 2

Line length: 7, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3

Start color: fe0101 , End color: fbfe01, Background color: 111111

Foto van Ivana Krsmanović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ivana Krsmanović - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 16:56

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+[+F-F-F]-[-F+F+F]

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 50, 20

Line length: 40

Line width: 2

Iterations: 5

Start color: FAD0D5

End color: F59BAD

Background color: F8EADC

Foto van Kristina Petrović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Kristina Petrović - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 16:58


Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F+F_F+F+F+F+F[+F][-f]

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 10, 110

Line length: 40

Iterations: 3

Line width: 1

Start color: FF0000

End color: FFF

Background color: 0

Foto van Andjela Kostić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Andjela Kostić - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 18:09

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+_]

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z : 40, 50, 75

Line lenght: 110

Iterations: 10

Line width: 1

Start color: 453477

End color: 4534577777

Background color: F

Foto van Aleksandar Djukic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Aleksandar Djukic - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 20:14

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+-[F^FF/F]+

Initial state: -F-F-F

Angle X,Y & Z: 96, 15, 17

Line length: 26, Line width: 1, Iterations: 5 

Start color: E987, End color: B67, Background color: f

Foto van Marija Drakulić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marija Drakulić - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 20:47

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F_f

Angle X,Y,Z: 30;30;60

Line lenght:200


Line width:1

Start color: 8181

End color: 8182F6

Background color:F

Foto van Iva Pajkovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Iva Pajkovic - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 20:54

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F+F+]F+F+F__]++

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 50, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color:17BEBB , End color: 0000, Background color: 2D2D34

Foto van Jelisaveta Petric
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jelisaveta Petric - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 21:04

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+[F-^/F][f+_\F][f-^^//F][f+__\\F]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 15, 15, 0

Line length: 100, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: FFFFFF, End color: FF00FF, Background color: 000000

Foto van Marija Mitrić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marija Mitrić - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 21:36

Variables: F

Rules: F+F^F+F

Initial state:F-F+F_F_F_F

Angle X,Y,Z: 20,20,60

Line lenght:40

Iteration: 5

Line width: /

Start color: CCCC

End color: Ff

Background color: 2e

Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Luka Mijatovic - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 21:50

Variables: F,  Rules: F=[--ffFFF--F-++F-F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F][--fffF+F-F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F][-F--F--F--F]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 15

Line length: 100, Line width: 0.5, Iterations: 3

Start color: FF6666, End color: 009999, Background color: 606060

Foto van Vladimir Miletić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Vladimir Miletić - zondag, 5 januari 2020, 22:41

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F[-F][+F]F[-FFF][+FFF+][-F+F-F][+F-F+F]FFFf

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 0, 25

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3 

Start color: FF7F, End color: FF12, Background color: f

Foto van Katarina Rajčić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Katarina Rajčić - vrijdag, 24 januari 2020, 12:30

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F_F+F_F+F+F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 10, 200

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4.5 

Start color: 33cccc, End color: ff3385, Background color: 0000

Foto van Kristina Kotorčević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Kristina Kotorčević - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 00:33

Variables: F, Rules: F=F+F+F[F+F+F]+++

Initial state: F, Angle X, Y & Z: 30, 30, 80

Line length: 40, Iterations: 4, Line width: 1

Start color: 001354, End color: 001354, Background color: FFEEDE

Foto van Danica Pop-Krstic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Danica Pop-Krstic - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 00:55

Variables: FFf, Rules: F=F_F +F_F +F +F+F+F

Initial state: FfffFffffFffffFffffffffFffffffF, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 30

Line length: 30, Line width: 0.03, Iterations: 4

Start color: 0000FF, End color: 00000F, Background color: 000000

Foto van Gordana Trajković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Gordana Trajković - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 02:13

Variables: F                Rules: F=F[-F-F][+F+F]-F[/F][^F]                  Initial state: F

Angle X,Y,Z: 0,15,12              Line Length: 40               Iterations: 5

Line width: 3             Start Color: 00FFCB   End Color: 070667    Background color: F8FFAB

Foto van Nikolina Žižić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Nikolina Žižić - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 10:50

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+_F+_F

Angle X, Y, Z: 0; 14; 70

Line lenght: 40

Iteration: 5

Line width: 1

Start color: 1234

End color: 98

Background color: F

Foto van Minja Stuparevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Minja Stuparevic - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 12:39



Angle X,Y,Z: 35, 45, 75

Line length:30


Line width:1

Start color:ff4f4f

End color:0f

Background color:F

Foto van Bojana Despotović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Bojana Despotović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 22:01

Rules: X=(+F(X)-F(F)-F(X)-F+X)

Zadatak uradjen u drugom programu.

Foto van Andrea Đorđević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Andrea Đorđević - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 13:30

Variables: F  

Rules: F=F++F

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y & Z: 0, 0, 83

Line length: 40

Iterations: 7

Line width: 1

Start color: FfFFF

End color: FFF

Background color: 00000

Foto van Tamara Mladenović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Tamara Mladenović - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 14:02

Variables: F

Rules: F=FF[-F]//[^F_FfF+fF][_FfF] 

Initial State: F

Angle X, Y, & Z: 30, 15, 30

Line lenght: 40

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: ff1599

End color: 1dc9dd

Background color: 181818

Foto van Sara Dimitrijevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sara Dimitrijevic - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 14:10

Variables: F 

Rules: F=F--F[+F]F[-F]^++[-F]^

Initial state: FFFFFFF

Angel X,Y & Z: 0 ; 15; 15

Line lenght: 50

Iterations: 3

Line width: 1

Start color: fedc1e

End color: 7eaf2a

Background color: 476c06 

Foto van miona bradić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door miona bradić - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 14:55

Variables: Ff 

Rules: F=FFF+_F +F++F

Initial state: FFF

Angel X,Y & Z: 0 ; 15; 69

Line lenght: 40

Iterations: 5

Line width: 1

Start color: BE090

End color: FFB400

Background color: 00000

Foto van Milica Sekulic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Milica Sekulic - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 15:17
Variables: F

Rules: F=F+[F-^/F][f+_\F]][f+__\\F]++

Initial state:  FfffFffffFffffFffffffffFffffffF

Angle x,y,z: 0,30,15

Line length: 40

Iterations: 3

Line width: 1

Start color: d24141

End color: 6c0d0d

Background color: 000

Foto van Ana Gačić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ana Gačić - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 16:05

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F[f-_^F][++^^F]F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 20, 30

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 5 

Start color: FFFFFF, End color: 008000, Background color: 000000

Foto van Jelena Subotić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jelena Subotić - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 17:40

Variables: F

Rules: F=F [_F++f+f + F+f+f+f] F+f

Initial state: F+F_F++F+F+F+F+FF+F+++F+F

Angle X,Y & Z: 45,30,60

Line length: 50 ; Iterations: 3 ; Line width: 2

Start color: F0 ; End color: 6699ff ; Background color: 333333 

Foto van Aleksandra Zuković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Aleksandra Zuković - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 20:04

Variables: F

Initial state: F

Rules: F=F++F

Angle X, Y & Z: 0, 0, 77

Line length: 300

Iterations: 7

Line width: 1

Start color: 88

End color: 770

Background color: 0

Foto van Milica Brajovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Milica Brajovic - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 22:12

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F +F_F +F +F+F +F_F +F +F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 20, 70

Line length: 50, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3 

Start color:332b58, End color: e899e7, Background color: 292929

Foto van Miona Radenkovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Miona Radenkovic - maandag, 6 januari 2020, 22:16

Variables: F

Rules: F= F+F- ^F-F+F+

Initial state: F-F-F-F

Angle x,y,z: 10,0,40

Line lenght 60,  Iterations 5,  Line width 3

Start color ffa366,  End color e62e00,  Background color ffffff

Foto van Minja Mocović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Minja Mocović - dinsdag, 7 januari 2020, 00:21

Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F[--FFFF][^^F_FF_F_FF_F ][F+F]\\F [--/FFF ] [__FF ]_FF

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y,Z: 38;22;15 

Line lenght: 15

Iteration: 3

Line width: 1

Start color: ef79c4

End color: 3866fc

Background color: 030303

Foto van Maša Živković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Maša Živković - dinsdag, 7 januari 2020, 02:21

Variables: F
Rules: F=F--F+F+F+F+F+F+F--F___F
Initial state: F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F
Angle X,Y,Z: 0,0,45
Line length: 10
Iteration: 3
Line width: 1
Start color: FF00FF0FF
End color: FFFF00
Background color: F

Foto van Vuk Spalević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Vuk Spalević - dinsdag, 7 januari 2020, 17:39


RULES: F=F+[F_F+F][f+_\F][f-^//F][f\\F]


ANGLE X, Y & Z: 15  15  15







Foto van Teodora Mitrovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Teodora Mitrovic - dinsdag, 7 januari 2020, 17:49

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+FFF+FF-F

Initial state: FFFFf, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 80, 150

Line length: 30, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3 

Start color: FFfff145, End color: 1372, Background color: 0111

Foto van Natalija Djokic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Natalija Djokic - dinsdag, 7 januari 2020, 19:29

Variables: F

Rules: F[+FF][-FF]F[+F-F][-F+F]fF[+F-F][-F+F]F

Initial state: FFFF

Angle X, Y, Z: 0, 15, 55

Line lenght: 40

Iterations: 2

Line width: 3

Start color: 5F04B4

End color: EF293

Background color: F 

Foto van Zlatko Simic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Zlatko Simic - dinsdag, 7 januari 2020, 19:44

Variables: F, 

Rules: F=F_F+F+F+f+f+F+f+f+f+f

Initial state: F,

Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 10, 200

Line length: 30,  Line width: 3,  Iterations: 5

Start color: 5ef400, End color: 000000, Background color: 000000

Foto van Vedrana Djonic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Vedrana Djonic - dinsdag, 7 januari 2020, 19:54

Variables: F


Initial state: FFF

Angle X,Y & Z: 40,11,79

Line length: 45


Line width:2

Start color:0FFF000

End color: 000

Background color: F

Foto van Đurđa Radenković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Đurđa Radenković - dinsdag, 7 januari 2020, 20:30

Variables: F


Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 25,65,45

Line length: 200

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: FFfff145

End color: FF0FF

Background color: F

Foto van Ivona Mangović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ivona Mangović - dinsdag, 7 januari 2020, 21:09

Variables: F

Rules: F= FF-[-F+F+F]+[+F-F-F]

Initial state: F

Angle x,y,z: 41,41,41

Line lenght 30,  Iterations 4,  Line width 1

Start color 2e2ee,  End color ff,  Background color 2e

Foto van Djordje Cvetkovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Djordje Cvetkovic - dinsdag, 7 januari 2020, 21:55

Variables: F Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F+F+F_F+F+F 

Initial state: F Angle X,Y,Z: 50, 20, 80 

Line Lenght: 45 Iterations: 4 Line width: 1 

Start color: ff4 End color: ff33 Background color: FFFFFF

Foto van Sandra Stevanovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sandra Stevanovic - dinsdag, 7 januari 2020, 23:49

Variables: F, Rules: F= F^[F _ F]+ F +[F − F]+F^[F _ F]+ F +[F − F]

Initial state: F,

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 15

Line length: 40,

 Line width: 3,

Iterations: 4

Start color: F123,

End color: F14,

 Background color:f1

Foto van Jelisaveta Ikić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jelisaveta Ikić - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 01:28

Variables: F, Rules: F=F+F_F+F-F] // ++

Initial State: F+F_F^-F+F-F+F__F+F-F^F^^F, Angle X, Y & Z: 0, 15, 200

Line Length: 40, Iterations: 4, Line Width: 1

Start Color: c571e3, End Color: e08655, Background Color: 081821

Foto van Isidora Milojevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Isidora Milojevic - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 01:40

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+[F^-/F]+

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 60,30,1

Line length: 50, Line width: 1, Iterations: 8 

Start color: F12345 , End color: F0 , Background color: F12

Foto van Bojan Krak
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Bojan Krak - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 01:53

Variables: F

Rules: F = F ^ [-Ff +Ff] ^ [+Ff -Ff]

Angle X, Y, Z: 5; 5; 10

Line lenght: 20

Iteration: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: FFFFFF

End color: 18EF18

Background color: 000000

Foto van Tamara Stojanović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Tamara Stojanović - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 14:46

Variables: F
Rules: F=F+_F+-_____+F+F
Initial state: F
Angle X, Y, & Z: 0,155555555555, 77
Line length: 7
Iterations: 4
Line width: 2
Start color: 0d0d0d
End color: 8585ad
Background color: 0

Foto van Kosta Djuric
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Kosta Djuric - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 16:34

Variables: FF

Rules: F=F+F-F+F

lnitial state: F

Angel x,y,&,z: 69  33  46

Line lenght: 43


Line width: 4

Start color:71080A

End color: A89FCE

Background color: 6A60F2

Foto van Marija Lilic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marija Lilic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 16:55

Variables:F  Rules:F=F+FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF++++++  Initial stale:F  Angel X,Y,Z: 30,30,12

Line length:50  Iterations:3  Line width:2  Background color:FFFFFFFF1236

Foto van Sara Vračarić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sara Vračarić - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 16:32

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F=F+[+F]+[-F]+[+F]+[-F]+F+[+F]+[-F]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 60, 75, 5

Line length: 50, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3 

Start color: FFFF, End color: FF, Background color: afaf

Foto van Tamara Bešević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Tamara Bešević - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 17:04

Variables: F

Rules: F=F(f-F_f-F_

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 90,45,15

Line length: 40

Iterations: 7

Line width: 1.5

Start color: 456322799

End color: 19911

Background color: F

Foto van Marija Topić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marija Topić - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 17:36

Variables: F, 

Rules: F=F+F++F-F^F+[+F]^F_F

Initial state: F, 

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 15, 90

Line length: 55, 

Line width: 3, 

Iterations: 3

Start color: FFF, 

End color: FF0FF, 

Background color: F

Foto van Tamara Simović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Tamara Simović - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 18:15

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F--F+F++F^+[+F]
Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 45, 45, 50

Line length: 25, Line width: 1, Iterations: 5

Start color: FFF, End color: 0F0, Background color: F

Foto van Mihajlo Malenović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Mihajlo Malenović - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 18:18

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+[F^F]F+FF-F

Initial state: FF

Angle X, Y, Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 20

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: e08655

End color: ff4

Background color: 000

Foto van Aleksandra Kujović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Aleksandra Kujović - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 19:20

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F++F+F-FF+F

Initial state: FFF

Angle X,Y & Z: 24 40 60

Line length: 40

Iterations: 4

Line width: 0

Start color: EEE

End color: AAA

Background color: F

Foto van Milena Milosavljević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Milena Milosavljević - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 19:24

Variables: F 

Rules: F=F_F+F_F+F+F

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line lenght: 40

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: FFB90F

End color: 551A8B

Background color: F

Foto van Vanja Djurdjevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Vanja Djurdjevic - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 20:26

Variables: F,  Rules: F= [^F_F]+[^F_F]+[^F_F]+[^F_F]+[^F_F] -/[/]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 350, 40, 50

Line length: 89, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3

Start color: 336be, End color: f9, Background color: a

Foto van Jovana Spasic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jovana Spasic - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 22:37


Rules:F [_F++FFFFFFF-FFFF)(F^F_+/]

Initial state:F6

Angle:X,Y & Z:60 15 30

Line length:20


Line width:1

Start color:98695

End color:66841166

Bacground color:F

Foto van Petar Ruvidić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Petar Ruvidić - woensdag, 8 januari 2020, 23:47

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F++F+F-F--F+F

Initial state: FFFFFF, Angle X,Y & Z: 80, 40, 40

Line length: 30, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: E24, End color:9090, Background color: F

Foto van Bogdan Mrvoš
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Bogdan Mrvoš - donderdag, 9 januari 2020, 02:30

Variables: G

Rules: F=F+F++F+F+++GG

Initial state: +6F++GF

Angle X, Y, Z: 25; 25; 42

Line length: 40

Iterations: 5

Line width: 1

Start color: 420

End color: -69

Background color: 5F

Foto van Mihajlo Dukić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Mihajlo Dukić - donderdag, 9 januari 2020, 11:32

Variables: F, Rules: F=(F+F++F+F-F-F-F)_(F+F++F+F-F-F-F)

Initial State: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60 

Line Length: 40 Line width: 3, Iterations: 3,

Start color: ff3300, End color: 40FF00, Background color: 000000

Foto van Srdjan Zivkovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Srdjan Zivkovic - donderdag, 9 januari 2020, 12:02

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F=F[-^<F][< ++^F][<++^F+^^F]/F[-+-^>F] [+ ^ F]+[^F_F+^F_F^]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 15, 15

Line length: 50, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: 000000, End color: 088000, Background color: FFFFFF

Foto van Anja Boltic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anja Boltic - donderdag, 9 januari 2020, 14:52

Iterations: 10

Root: _/F<X>-F<X>-F<X>-F<X>

Rules: X=[+F<X>-FF<Y>-F<X>-F+FF<Y>]

Center X: -50

Center Y: -70

Step: 60px

Angle: 60°

Δ step: 50%

Δ angle: 30%

Background color: #1236

Pen color: #ffff00

Target Pen color: #356

Dot color: #CC40CC

Za zadatak koristila sam online sajt za 2D L sisteme kako ste mi rekli u mejlu 

Foto van Dejana Jeremić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Dejana Jeremić - donderdag, 9 januari 2020, 16:55

Iterations: 6

Root: _X

Rules: X=X+YF++YF-FX--FXFX-YF+;


 F=F [- ^ < F][ < + + ^ F ] //F [ - - ^ > F ] [+  ^ F ]


Center X: 170

Center Y: 60



-Δ step

Δ angle: 0%

background color: #A

Pen color:#ff0000

Target Pen color: #0000f

Dot color:#ffff00

Zadatak sam uradila na online sajtu za 2D L sisteme 

Foto van Ana Djukanovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ana Djukanovic - donderdag, 9 januari 2020, 19:00

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F+F__f+f+f

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z:  35, 100, 60

Line length: 50, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3

Start color: 2e2ee,  End color: ff , Background color: 000000

Foto van Katarina Ćirikovački
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Katarina Ćirikovački - donderdag, 9 januari 2020, 19:09

Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F+F+F+f+f+F+f+f+f+f

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z:  30, 68, 5

Line length: 50, Line width: 1, Iterations: 5

Start color: ff1599,  End color: 1dc9dd , Background color: F

Foto van Jovana Djordjevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jovana Djordjevic - donderdag, 9 januari 2020, 19:41

Variables: F 

Rules: F=F [-^<F][<++^F]//F[--^>F][+^F] 

Initial state: F

 Angle X,Y & Z: 90 1500 30

 Line lenght:60 

Iterations: 4

 Line width:1 

Start color: 8000FF

 End color:FA58F4 

Background color:F

Foto van Ana Ignjatović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ana Ignjatović - donderdag, 9 januari 2020, 20:20

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F_+[+F-F-F]+

Initial state: F+F+F+F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 1, 90

Line length: 30, Line width: 1, Iterations: 6 

Start color: F5998, End color: F598, Background color: 28

Foto van Vasja Popović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Vasja Popović - donderdag, 9 januari 2020, 21:03



Initial state: F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F

AngleX,Y & Z:0,40,1

Line length:30


Line width:1

Start color:544

End color:455566789923

Background color:f

Foto van Teodora Radeka
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Teodora Radeka - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 01:04

Iterations: 4

Root: _F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F

Rules: F=FF+F-F+F+F

Center X: -60

Center Y: 0

Step: 4px

Angle: 90°

Δ step: 90%

Δ angle: 20%

Background color: #ff6347

Pen color: #800000

Target Pen color: #ff0000

Dot color: #ff0000

Za zasatak je korišćen program za izradu 2D L-sistema

Foto van Ana Stevanovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ana Stevanovic - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 02:25

Variables: F, Rules:F=F++++--FFFFFFFFF++++FFFFFFF+++++++++

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 60, 15

Line length: 6, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3 

Start color: B342, End color: C98, Background color: F

Foto van Nemanja Culic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Nemanja Culic - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 11:01

Variables : F

Rules: F=F+F+^^^F+

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y,Z:   0, 0, 87

Line length: 40

Iterations: 7

Line width: 3

Start color: 00fec1

End color: d7f5ff

Background: ff

Foto van Danijela Rošu
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Danijela Rošu - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 15:28

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F[-F+F]/

Initial state: F+F+F+F, Angle X,Y & Z: 2, 7, 60

Line length: 30, Line width: 1, Iterations: 6

Start color: c9b0cb, End color: 5a265d, Background color: 452237

Foto van Djurdja Zdravkovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Djurdja Zdravkovic - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 15:34

Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F+F_F+F+F

Initial state: FFF

Angle x,y & z: 0, 10, 200

Line length: 50

Iterations: 8

Line width: 1

Start color: 4399021

End color: 9604

Background: F

Foto van Katarina Poljakov
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Katarina Poljakov - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 16:35

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F++F+F-F--F+F+FFFFF

Initial state: F

Angle x,y & z: 20, 25, 45

Line length: 40

Iterations: 3

Line width: 1

Start color: 005698

End color: 004523

Background color: F

Foto van Mihailo Stanišić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Mihailo Stanišić - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 17:03

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F++F+Ff^f

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 50, Line width: 1, Iterations: 5 

Start color: 025be0, End color: 00e5ff, Background color: 0

Foto van Anja Nedeljković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anja Nedeljković - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 17:21

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F+^^^F+^^+F]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 20, 28

Line length: 80, Line width: 1, Iterations: 5 

Start color: 8802e0, End color: 02e0ca, Background color: 0

Foto van Filip Matović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Filip Matović - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 18:15

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F_F-F_F-F_F-F_F-F_F-F_F-F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 45, 60

Line length: 55, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3

Start color: FFFF, End color: F, Background color: F

Foto van Aleksandra Ristić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Aleksandra Ristić - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 18:26

Variables: F

Rules: F=FF+F+FF+F+F

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y,Z: 0;10;200

Line lenght: 30

Iteration: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: FF00FF

End color: FFFF0

Background color: 424242

Foto van Anastasija Čakarević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anastasija Čakarević - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 18:26

Variables - F

Rules - F=FF + [^F+F] + FF

Initial state - F

Angle x, y , z - 10 , 30 , 60

Line  lenght - 40

Iterations - 5

Line width - 2

Start color - 0000

End color - ffff3

Backgroundnd color - FFFFFFF

Foto van Milica Žarković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Milica Žarković - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 18:28

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+FFF+FF-F

Initial state: F

Angle x,y,z: 0,40,120

Line length: 45

Iterations: 3

Line width: 2

Start color: Fff145

End color: f216

Background color: 15632

Foto van Jana Lazić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jana Lazić - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 18:31

Variables F

Rules: F=F+F^F+F+F^F+F

Initial state: F+F

Angle x,y,z : 20,20,45

Line width : 0.2

Start color: CCc

End color: EEEE

Backgorund color : E

Foto van Marko Čekanović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marko Čekanović - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 18:33

Variables: F, Rules:F=F-F-F-F-F-F__f+f+f__f+f+f_

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 78, 40, 60

Line length: 4, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4

Start color: 8188, End color: 898, Background color: F

Foto van Isidora Zlatkov
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Isidora Zlatkov - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 18:43
Variables:F ; Rules:F+F+F+F+F+F__f+f+f_ ; Initial state:F  ; Angle X, Y, Z : 30,40,60; Line length: 99 ; Iterations: 3 ; Line width:1; Start color:B88; End color:ff399 ; Background color:F ;

Foto van Isidora Popovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Isidora Popovic - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 18:51


Rules- F=F+F++F+F+F/F*F^

Initial state- F+F*F

Angle X,Y,Z- 20, 30,60

Line length 50


Line width-2

Start color 1F4F5

End color- FF2F9F

Background color-3

Foto van Sofija Bačko
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sofija Bačko - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 18:57

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F [ - - ^ > F ] F [ - - ^ > F ] 

Angle X,Y,Z: 0;90;90

Line lenght:40


Line width:1

Start color: 55B3

End color: 340

Background color: F

Foto van Iva Bajić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Iva Bajić - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 18:58

Korišćen je dvodimenzionalni L-sistem

Rules: X=[+F<X>-F<X>-F<X>-F]

Width: 400

Height: 400

Iterations: 8

Root: _/F<X>-F<X>-F<X>-F<X>

Center X: -50

Center Y: -50

Step: 100px

Angle: 80°

-Δ step: 30%

-Δ angle: 5%

Background color: #408040

Pen color: #ffff00

Target pen color: #00ff00

Dot color: #CC40CC

Presets: Blossom

Foto van Ruzica Tosic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ruzica Tosic - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 19:22

Variables: F, Rules: F=F+-[F^+FFF/F]-+++F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 50, 13, 80

Line length: 30, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4

Start color: FFF, End color: fF00F, Background color: F

Foto van Lidija Cerovac
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Lidija Cerovac - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 19:44

Variables: F

Rules: F=F-F-F-F-F-F__f+f+f__f+f


Angle x,y & z: 78, 40, 59

Line length: 10

Iterations: 2

Line width: 1

Start color: 568eeeeee623

End color: 5

Background color: 4

Foto van Tina Dobrosavljević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Tina Dobrosavljević - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 19:48

Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F-F-F-F+F

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y,Z: 15;15;15

Line lenght: 30

Iteration: 6

Line width: 1

Start color: C8A033

End color: FC93E8

Background color: 186AC1

Foto van Iva Teofilovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Iva Teofilovic - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 20:34

Variables: F
Rules: F=F+_F+_F
Initial State: F+F+F+F+F
Angle X, Y & Z: 30, 1, 60.38
Line Lenght: 50
Iterations: 5
Line width: 0.8
Start color: 36b
End color: e0ca
Background color: 0000

Foto van Natalija Pesovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Natalija Pesovic - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 20:41

Variables: F,  Rules: F= F+F_]


Center x: 15

Center y: 20

Step: 135 px

Angle: 29

Width: 400 Height: 400

Iterations: 5

Background color: 000000 

Pen color: a02020

Target pen color: 008888

Dot color: 00ff00

Ovaj zadatak je odradjen u drugom programu ( koji je predlozila asistentkinja Jelena Ivanovic.

Foto van Ana Marković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ana Marković - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 20:47

Variables: F,  Rules: F=[F_F-F+]]F-FF] 

Initial state: FFF, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 3, 60

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3

Start color: F0F23324, End color: FF0FFFF0, Background color: 42426

Foto van Ilija Ristić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ilija Ristić - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 21:03

Variables: F

Rules: F=Ff[F+F+FF+]

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y,Z: 0;10;200

Line lenght: 40

Iteration: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: 00FFF00

End color: FF000F

Background color: 424

Foto van Kristina Antic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Kristina Antic - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 21:04

Variables: F

Rules: F=F-+[F-F][-f^F]+_[+-F]

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y & Z: 30, 18, 1

Line length: 40

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: ff0088

End color: ff6688

Background color:000000

Foto van Teodora Nešković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Teodora Nešković - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 21:55

Variables: F, Rules: F=F+F+F--FF+F++F++F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 20, 20, 100

Line length: 10, Line width: 3, Iterations: 3 

Start color:1233 , End color:333311 , Background color: 1230988887

Foto van Anastasija Stijovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anastasija Stijovic - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 22:01

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+ [F_F+FF ] [ f//F] [ ]F- [f-FFFF ]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 15, 15, 15

Line length: 15, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3 

Start color: ffff, End color: 251, Background color: 256

Foto van Jovana Stojanovski
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jovana Stojanovski - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 22:06

Variables: F

Rules: F=F [_F + + F] [^FF_+/] +F-F

Initial State: F

Angle X, Y & Z: 70, 15, 30

Line Length: 40

Line Width: 2

Iterations: 3

Start color: 005964

End color: 005964

Background color: F

Foto van Luka Ivancevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Luka Ivancevic - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 22:15
variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F++F+F+++GG

initial state: FFFFFFF, Angle X,Y & Z: 30 40 10

Line lenght: 10, Iterations: 4, Line width: 2

Start color: 86, End color: 11, Backround color: 1F

Foto van Natalija Živadinović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Natalija Živadinović - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 22:57

Variables: F,  Rules: F=[^F_*F]+[^F_F[^F_F]_f-f-f-f-f

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 4, 35, 503

Line length: 60, Line width: 1, Iterations: 5 

Start color: F12345, End color: 000000, Background color: FFFFFF

Foto van Andjela Radisavljević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Andjela Radisavljević - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 23:14



Angle X,Y,Z:30:80:60

Line length:300


Line width:1

Start color:ccccc

End color:F18

Background color:f

Foto van Ivana Tomić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ivana Tomić - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 23:18

Variables: F  

Rules: F=F[-F+F+F+F]-[/F+F-F][^F]

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y & Z: 45, 30, 30

Line length: 20

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: F55557

End color: F0F0FF

Background color: F

Foto van Filip Mijailovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Filip Mijailovic - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 23:26

Variables: F

Rules: F=F [^F+F ]+F[^F+F ]_//F[^F+F]

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y, & Z: 15, 15, 30 

Line length: 40

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: e10000

End color: ffea00

Background color: 00000

Foto van Milica Veselinović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Milica Veselinović - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 23:31



Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 0,15,15

Line length: 45

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1.5

Start color: FFFFFF

End color: 2566

Background color: AEE9F5

Foto van Borko Erić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Borko Erić - vrijdag, 10 januari 2020, 23:54

Variables: F

Rules: F=F-F-F*F*F-F-F-[F*F]

Initial state: F-F+F

Angle: X,Y,Z- 30; 30; 60;

Line length: 40

Interations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: D1FF00 End color: 00FFCD

Background color: 000000

Foto van Jovana Nikolić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jovana Nikolić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 00:01

Variables: F

Rules: F=F [- ^ < +F++^F][ < ----+ + F^+FF+F F ] //F [ - F- ^// > F+FF+F ] [+  ^ F ]

Initial state: FFF

 Angle X,Y & Z: 10,10,20

Line length: 20

Line width: 1

Iterations: 3

Start color: 9400D3 , End color: 20B2AA, Background color: F0F0F0

Foto van Stefan Pap
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Stefan Pap - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 00:19



Initial State:F

Angle X,Y,Z: 0, 3, 48

Line Lenght: 40

Iterations: 4

Line Width: 1

Start Color: 001234

End Color: 9516

Background Color:F

Foto van Teodora Bugarić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Teodora Bugarić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 02:40

Variables : F


Initial state: F

Angle X,Y,Z:   15,0,66

Line length: 7

Iterations: 3

Line width: 3

Start color: A1

End color: FF0

Background: A12345

Foto van Andrija Ilic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Andrija Ilic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 03:00

Variables: F 

Rules: F=F+FF+F/F-

Initial state: +F+F

Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 17, 11

Line length: 40 

Line width: 2

Iterations: 5

Start color: 740303a

End color: F15A5A

Background color: 0

Foto van Jana Andjelkovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jana Andjelkovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 03:01

Variables: F

Rules: F=F-F-F-F-F-F__f+f+f__f+f+f__f+f+f__f+f+f_

Angle X,Y,Z: 65;78;60

Line lenght: 120


Line width:1

Start color: ff2cd7

End color: 2ff5b9

Background color: 00040d

Foto van Teodora Pavlovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Teodora Pavlovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 03:07

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F^[-Ff+Ff]^[+Ff-Ff]

Initial state: :F,  Angle X,Y & Z: 5, 5, 10

Line length: 20,  Line width: 1,  Iterations: 3

Start color: 33cccc,  End color: ff3385,  Background color: 4

Foto van Miralem Hadžić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Miralem Hadžić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 03:56

Variables: F

Rules: F=F[--F][^^F ][+F]\\F [--/FF ] [__FF ]

Initial State: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 15,15,15

Line length: 20 ; Line width: 3

Iterations: 4

Start color: FfFFF ;End color: fff

Background color: D

Foto van Katarina Urosevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Katarina Urosevic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 10:34

Variables: F

Rules: F=FF+F++F+F

Initial state: F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F

Angle X,Y,Z : 0,0,1000

Line length: 40

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: 9999ff

End color: 2e

Background color: 2e

Foto van Jovana Perić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jovana Perić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 12:30

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F [+F ] [-F ]F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 50, 50, 50

Line length: 10, Line width: 3, Iterations: 5 

Start color: D8BFD8, End color: 8B7B8B, Background color: 2E2E2E

Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door David Životić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 13:11

Variables: F,  Rules: F=FfF+FfF+FfF+FfF

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 50, Line width: 2, Iterations: 4 

Start color: 200000, End color: 990000, Background color: 0

Foto van Stefan Djordjevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Stefan Djordjevic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 13:17

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F++F-FFF

Initial state: F+F

Angle X,Y,Z & Z: 45 45 60

Line length: 70

Iterations: 6

Line width: 2

Start color: D73F0C

End color: EDEC60

Background color: 1D4E41

Foto van Ana Nikolic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ana Nikolic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 13:23

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F^F

Initial state: ---FF, Angle X,Y & Z: 15, 30, 10

Line length: 20, Line width: 1, Iterations: 9

Start color: FF0000, End color: FFFF00, Background color: 000000

Foto van Teodora Stojanovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Teodora Stojanovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 13:29

Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F-F_F-F_F-F+

Angle X,Y,Z: 20;100;100

Line lenght:10


Line width:1

Start color:B10DC9

End color:01FF70

Background color: 00000

Foto van Anja Nikolic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anja Nikolic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 13:51

Variables: F,

Rules: F= F[_FF][+FF]F[-F][+FF]F

Initial state: F,

Angle X,Y & Z: 13, 1, 30

Line length: 8,

Line width: 1.7, 

Iterations: 3

Start color: F39, 

End color: E2,

Background color: A

Foto van Andrijana Simonovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Andrijana Simonovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 13:58

Variables: F

Rules: F=F[-F][+F][-F[-F][+F]][+F[-F][+F]][-F[-F[-F[-F][+F]]]][-F[-F[-F][+F]]][+F[+F[-F][+F]]][+F[+F[+F[-F][+F]]]]

Initial state: F

Angle x, y & z: 30 30 15

Line length: 40

Iterations: 3

Line width: 1

Start color: FfFFF

End color: FFF

Background color: 0000

Foto van Miljana Marić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Miljana Marić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 14:04

Variables: F 

Rules: F=F+F[F+F_F_]-F-F/F_F

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y & Z: 10  60  30 

Line length 50

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: 741B8D

End color: 29F8E7

Background color: 000000

Foto van Jovan Popović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jovan Popović - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 14:09

Variables: F 

Rules: F= F [F + F] [^FF_+/]++++++[^F_F

Initial state: F

Angles X, Y, Z: 0/10/2

Line length: 40

Iterations: 5

Line width: 2

Start color: 000000

End color: ff3600

Background color: F

Foto van Andjela Milosavljevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Andjela Milosavljevic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 14:17

Variables:FF, Rules:F=F+f+F+F+[F_F+F+F+F[+F+F

Initial state: F,  Angle X,Y&Z: 90,30,80

Line length: 60, Iterations:3

Line width:1, Start color: 00F0FF0FFF

End color: 00F0F, Background color: 0F

Foto van Kristina Stamenkovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Kristina Stamenkovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 14:19

Variables: F

Rules: F=F[-F][+F][-F[-F][+F]][+F[-F][+F]][-F[-F[-F[-F][+F]]]][-F[-F[-F][+F]]][+F[+F[-F][+F]]][+F[+F[+F[-F][+F]]]]

Initial state: F

Angle x, y & z: 0, 0, 15

Line length: 40

Iterations: 3

Line width: 2

Start color: ff34f

End color: f3f

Background color: F

Foto van Anja Perić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anja Perić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 14:19

Variables:F        Rules:F=F-F-F-F-F-F_f+f+f_f+f+f_f+         Initial state: F+F+F+F+F         Angle x,y,z: 70,20,60        Line length:40      Iterations:4            Line width:0.2            Start color:ff2cd7         End color:2ff5b9        Color background:F

Foto van Uros Nikodijevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Uros Nikodijevic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 14:41

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F+F+]F+F+F__]+

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 60, 60

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations:4

Start color: fbfe01125, End color: fe010, Background color: f23

Foto van Nina Stegnjaic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Nina Stegnjaic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 15:04

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+FF+++F+F

Initial state:FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF , Angle X,Y & Z: 56, 2, 52

Line length: 20, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3 

Start color: 940, End color:2A0B2AA , Background color: 131313

Foto van Emilija Tasić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Emilija Tasić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 15:26

Variables: F, A

Rules: F=F+F+F+A_+A+A+A+A+A+A+A+A_^^

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y & Z: 30, 30, 65

Line length: 200

Iterations: 4

Line width: 2

Start color: FFC0CB

End color: 43

Background color: 7B

Foto van Vera Tesla
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Vera Tesla - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 15:30

Variables: F


initial state:F-F+F_F_F_F

Angle X,Y,Z: 15,15,120

Line lenght:45


Line width:1

Start color: 00bfff

End color: ff007f

Background color:ffe135

Foto van Tamara Bulatović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Tamara Bulatović - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 15:32



Initial state: F

Angle X,Y.Z: 20;120;2

Line length:175


Line width:1

Start color:ff2555

end color:00000

Background color:f

Foto van Jovan Stanković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jovan Stanković - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 15:33

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F[_f]_f_F

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 45, 60

Line length: 90

Iterations: 6

Line width: 1

Start color: 9751

End color: 642

Background color: F

Foto van Marta Milosevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marta Milosevic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 15:59

variables: F   rules: F+F+F+F^4f     initial state: F

angle x,y,z: 80, 45, 30     line lenght: 45     iterations: 5

line width: 1     start color: b44446      end color: a445      backgroung color: 55533

Foto van Simona Radojevic
Re: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Simona Radojevic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 16:01

Iterations: 5

Root: _FF*

Rules: *=[/+F<*>B-F<*>B-F<*>B-F<*>B]

Center X: 0

Center Y: -133

Step: 70px

Angle: 90

-Δ step


-Δ angle

Background color #11111

Pen color: #0000ff

It traget pen color: #ff00ff

It Dot color:#ff0000

preset: blossom

Zadatak je radjen u online aplikaciji

Foto van Filip Kostić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Filip Kostić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 16:08

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F [^F_F]+[^F_F ]+[^F_F ]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 90,130,39

Line length: 400, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: ff2, End color: ff, Background color: F

Foto van Игор Иљић
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Игор Иљић - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 16:12

Root: _FF*

Rules: F=F[+F][-F][+F]F

Step: 5px

Angle: 120

-Δ step: 20%

-Δ angle 20%

Backgorund colour: 1C1C1C

Pen color: 01DFD7

Задатак урађен у онлајн програму који сте послали на мејл.

Foto van Miljan Stanković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Miljan Stanković - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 16:27

Variables: F


Initial state:F

Angle X,Y & Z: 20,20,20

Line lenght:70


Line width: 2

Start color: D73F0C

End color:EDEC60

Background color:1D4E41

Foto van Mina Stevanovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Mina Stevanovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 16:32

Variables: F


initial state:F+F_F_F+F+F+FF+F

Angle X,Y,Z: 30,25,60

Line lenght:15


Line width:3

Start color: 00ffff

End color: 008b8b

Background color:c154c1


Foto van Katarina Vujinovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Katarina Vujinovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 16:44
Variables: F

Root: [[[F*F*

Rules: F=F/_**F]F]F*F]+F.]]]

Iterations: 7

Center x: 0

Center y: 135

Step: 30

Angle: 60°

Background color: #000000

Pen color: #4b1563

Dot color: #d8b0ea

Foto van Helena Spasenovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Helena Spasenovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 16:50

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F+F_F

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y,Z: 20;20;60

Line lenght: 200

Iteration: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: 0770

End color: 009999

Background color: F

Foto van Sara Djurdjevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sara Djurdjevic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 17:02

Variables: F, Rules: F=F[+F][-F][+F]F

Initial state:  _FF*, Angle X,Y & Z: 45, 45, 45

Line length: 50, Line width: 2, Iterations: 5

Start color: FFFF00, End color: 800080, Background color: 030303

Foto van Nemanja Gakovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Nemanja Gakovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 17:11


Rules: F=F [- ^ < F][ < + + ^ F ] //F [ - - ^ > F ] [+  ^ F ]-FF-

Initial: F

Angle X, Y & Z: 90 180 90

Line lenght: 40

Iterations: 4

Line widht: 3

Start color: 005964

End color: ff3385

Background: 000000

Foto van Tijana Pavlovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Tijana Pavlovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 17:34

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+FFf+FF-_FF_F

Initial state: F,  Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 45, 0

Line length: 40,  Line width: 1,  Iterations: 4 

Start color: 8181,  End color: 8182F,  Background color: F

Foto van Dimitrije Popovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Dimitrije Popovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 17:41

Variables: F


Initial state:FFFFFFFF

Angle X, Y & Z; 0, 0, 123

Line width: 1

Start color: FF

End Color: AA4FFF

Background color:0

Foto van Isidora Lugić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Isidora Lugić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 17:45

Variables: F, 


Rules:  F=F_F-F_F-F_F-F

Width: 300 Height: 300

Iterations: 5

Center x: -89

Center y: 6

Step: 12 px

Angle: 55°

Background color: 000000 

Pen color: ffff00

Target pen color: ffff00

Dot color: ff0000

Ovaj zadatak je odrađen u programu L-System Explorer ( koji je predlozila asistentkinja Jelena Ivanovic.

Foto van Sara Krsmanovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sara Krsmanovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 20:18

Variables: F

Rules: F=F++F+F+F+F

Initial state: FFFFFF

Angle X, Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 150

Iterations: 5

Line width: 1.5

Start color: FFFFFF

End color: 2566

Background color: F237876

Foto van Anđela Panić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anđela Panić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 17:54

Variables: F , Rules: F= F_F +F_F+ F_F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 10  

Line lenght: 100, Iterations: 5, Line width: 1 

Start color: F, End color: FFFFF, Background color: F

Foto van Pavle Đukić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Pavle Đukić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 18:07

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F+]F+F+F__]------

Initial state: F+F+F+F

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 15

Line width: 2

Iterations: 3

Start color: 0DFF1D

End color: 727272

Background color: 070707

Foto van Vanja Jakovljevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Vanja Jakovljevic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 18:28


Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F+F+F+f+f

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y & Z: 0; 15; 2222

Line length: 40 

Iterations: 5

Line width: 1

Start color 5e5f5

End color: 0

Background color: 0

Foto van Anastazija Lukić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anastazija Lukić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 18:33

Variables: FX,  Rules: F=[Ff-F]++XF++F+F-FX-F]X

Initial state: FFFFFFFF, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 15

Line length: 45, Line width: 0.9, Iterations: 4 

Start color: 5E4A59, End color: 9FEDF9, Background color: 46

Foto van Teodora Dabić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Teodora Dabić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 18:40

Variables: F

Rules: F=Ff[-F][+F][-F[-F][+F]][+F[-F][+F]][-F[-F[-F[-F][+F]]]]

Initial state: FFFF

Angle X,Y & Z: 96,15,30

Line length: 35

Line width: 2

Iterations: 3

Start color: CCCC

End color: B67

Background color: F

Foto van Sara Filipovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sara Filipovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 18:47

Variables: F,  Rules: F=FF[+F-F-F][-F+F+F]

Initial state: FFFFF+FFFF+FFF,  Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 120

Line length: 40, Line width: 2, Iterations: 3 

Start color: F3, End color: F34555, Background color: F5678

Foto van Veljko Petrovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Veljko Petrovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 18:54

Variables: F

Rules: F=F [+F]  [-F]  [F]  [+F] [-F] F

Angle X,Y,Z: 4;30;30

Line lenght:40


Line width:3

Start color: FFFFFF

End color: FFF

Background color: 00

Foto van Aleksandar Popovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Aleksandar Popovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 19:04

variables: F

rules: F-FF-F+F-F_FF

initial state: F/F

angle X; Y & Z: 30; 30; 60

line length: 40

literations: 3

line width: 2

start color: e42967

end color: f123

background color: F 

Foto van Jovana Ćirić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jovana Ćirić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 19:50

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F_f+f

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 40

Iterations: 10

Line width: 3

Start color: ff2550

End color: f212

Background color: F

Foto van Petar Ralović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Petar Ralović - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 20:19

Iteration: 5

Root: _*F+F+F+F

Rules: F=F+F-F-FF+F+F-F+F+F

Center X: 20

Center Y: 40

Step: 5


Background color: 2d2d2d

Pen color: 008f95

Target pen color: cdfdff

Dot color: cdfdff

Radjeno na

Foto van Masa Radovanovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Masa Radovanovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 20:19

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+_F+_F

Initial state: F++FFFF-FF+F

Angle X,Y and Z: 30,1,117

Line length: 55

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: 0000FF

End color: 00000F

Background color: 424242

Foto van Andrea Škorić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Andrea Škorić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 20:57

Variables: F

Rules: F= F++F++F

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y,Z: 0,0,77

Line length: 200


Line width:1

Start color: F11111

End color:9999

Background color: F

Foto van Danilo Sovilj
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Danilo Sovilj - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 21:01

Variables: F

Rules: F=F^[<+F]/F[F--F^]  

Initial state: FF

Angle X,Y & Z: 5, 10, 15

Line length: 10

Line width: 1

Iterations: 5

Start color: 30dfb8 

End color: 002d29

Background color: F

Foto van Marija Lazic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marija Lazic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 21:10

Interations : 4

root : _X

Rules : X=X+YF++YF-FX--FXFX-YF+;


center X : -189

center y : 6

step : 10px

angle: 100

-step : 10%/it

-angle : -5%/it

bg color:#2e2e2e

pen color: #bc0a0a

target pen color: #073281

dot color: none

NAPOMENA: Radila sam zadatar 2D, online, jer mi nije radila aplikacija 

Marija Lazic 11221/2019

Foto van Andrea Kikanovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Andrea Kikanovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 21:37

Koriscen 2D L-system

Rules: *=[ / +F<*>B-F<*>B-F<*>B]

Width: 400

Height: 400

Iterations: 5

Root: _FF*

Center X: 10

Center Y: -150

Step: 80px

Angle: 90°

-Δ step: 20%

-Δ angle: 5%

Background color: 00000

Pen color: #0000ff

Target pen color: #ff00ff

Dot color: #ff0000

Presets: Tree

Foto van Ivan Negovanovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ivan Negovanovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 21:39

Variables: F

Rules:  F=F+F++\\F+/F

Initial state: FFFFFF

Angle X,Y & Z: 10,30,8

Line length: 8

Iterations: 3

Line width: 28

Start color: F69FDF

End color: 999

Background color: F

Foto van Aleksa Spiridonovski
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Aleksa Spiridonovski - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 21:43

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F][F+F+F+F+F+]F+F

Initial state: FFF, Angle X,Y & Z: 14, 15, 15

Line length: 80, Line width: 2, Iterations: 3

Start color: 000000, End color: FF00, Background color: 1

Foto van Igor Urošević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Igor Urošević - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 21:58

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F+F__]++\\\\

Initial state: F+F+F+F+F+F

Angle X, Y & Z: 7, 60, 240

Line length: 60

Iterations: 3

Line width: 3

Start color: c69f89

End color: 93032e

Background color: 000100

Foto van Anastasija Jovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anastasija Jovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 21:59

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F[-F+F+F+F]-[/F+F-F][^F]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 40, 15, 15

Line length: 20, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: ff6666, End color: d9b3ff, Background color: 000000

Foto van Arijana Maksimovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Arijana Maksimovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 22:03

Variables:F  Rules:F=F+F+F+[FF]+FF/  Initial state:F^F_F^F  Angle X,Y,Z:90,100,60 Line lenght:40   Iteriations:3   Line widht:1 Start color:ffe5f2 End color:ff8dc6 Backgraud color:424242

Foto van Maša Janković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Maša Janković - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 22:04

Variables: F

 Rules: F=F+F++F+F-F+++^F-

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y & Z: 28, 30, 60

Line length: 30

Line width: 3

Iterations: 4

Start color: 000000

End color: 862d59

Background color: 0

Foto van Marina Kapelan
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marina Kapelan - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 22:15

Variables: F

Rules: F+F++F+F__

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y and Z: 5,3,4

Line length: 45

Iterations: 6

Line width: 2

Start color: 99999

End color: 9

Background color: F

Foto van Mihailo Mijajlovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Mihailo Mijajlovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 22:27

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+FFFF[F-F]F+F+F+F-F

Initial state: F+F[F+fF]

Angle X,Y,Z: 15,15,30

Line length: 40

Iterations: 3

Line width:1

Start color: DC143C

End color:FFD700

Background color: 696969

Foto van Nikolija Stevanovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Nikolija Stevanovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 23:32

Iterations : 8
Root : _FF*
Center X : 5
Center Y : -133
Step: 60px
Angle : 50
Rules : *=[/+F<*>B-F<*>B-F<*>B-F<*>B]
Dot color : 000000
Background color : 000000
Pen color : 800000
Target pen color : 008888
Presets : Tree
-Δ step: 20
-Δ angle: 20

Radi se od 2D L sistemu.

Foto van Nina Kojić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Nina Kojić - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 23:48

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F^F+f+f+F+f+F

Initial state: F+F

Angle X,Y & Z: 20, 6, 65656

Line length: 60

Line width: 1

Iterations: 4 

Start color: 21f8ed2

End color: d5db28

Background color: 000000

Foto van Jovana Petljanski
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jovana Petljanski - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 23:49

Variables: F, 


 Root: _F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F

 Center x: -60

 Center y: 66

 Step: 10 px 

 Angle: 110

 Width: 400 

 Height: 400 

 Iterations: 3

 Background color: 000000

 Pen color: ff0099

 Ovaj zadatak je uradjen u programu ( 

Foto van Kosara Djurovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Kosara Djurovic - zaterdag, 11 januari 2020, 23:58

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F [_FF][ +FF ]F[ - F ] [+ FF ]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 13, 30, 1

Line length: 8, Line width: 1.7, Iterations: 3

Start color: 200000, End color:FFFFF Background color: FFFFFFF

Foto van Aleksa Savicic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Aleksa Savicic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 00:00

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F-F+[F]

Initial state: F+F+F+F+F, Angle X,Y & Z: 60, 60, 60

Line length: 4, Line width: 0.8, Iterations: 8

Start color: FF5733, End color: 008080, Background color: F

Foto van marko kovacevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door marko kovacevic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 00:02

Variables: F

Rules: F=F-F^[F-F^FF_F-FF

Initial state: F^F

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 10, 20

Line length: 100

Line width: 1

Iterations: 4

Start color: 191970

End color: F08080

Background color: 000000

Foto van Veljko Rafailovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Veljko Rafailovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 00:03

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+++F

Angle X,Y,Z: 0;0;77

Line lenght:40


Line width:1

Start color: 16DCC1

End color: 151EC

Background color: f

Foto van Milena Rvović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Milena Rvović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 00:23

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F+F__f+f+f_

Initial state: FF, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 30, Line width: 2, Iterations: 3 

Start color: caed07, End color: fe2400, Background color: 1

Foto van Dunja Popovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Dunja Popovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 00:26

Variables: Ff,  Rules: F=F_F +F_F +F +F+F+F+F+F

Initial state: Ffff-ffFfffffffFfffffFfffFffffF-fffFffff-fffFffff, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 30, 77

Line length: 21, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3

Start color: f2d9d9, End color: 4d1919, Background color: 130606

Foto van Bojan Krstić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Bojan Krstić - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 01:57

Variables: F

Rules: F=F[-F][+F][++F][--F]

Initial state: FF

Angle: 30, 20, 15

Line length: 70

Iterations: 4

Line width: 2

Start color: 5e1515

End color: 2fa22c

Background color: 2f2f2f

Foto van Anja Radaković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anja Radaković - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 02:54



Angle X,Y,Z:0,25,7

Line length:40


Line width:0.8

Start color: E998D9

End color: A41F81

Background color:00000

Foto van Veljko Radovanović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Veljko Radovanović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 03:06

Variables: F

Rules: F=FF-[FF]+FF-Fx_FF--F-F+f+F+F-F/F

Initial state: F 

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 40

Line width: 1

Iterations: 3

Start color: BF00FF, End color: F4FAF, Background color: 00000

Foto van Dunja Lučić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Dunja Lučić - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 09:51

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F++F+F

Initial state:F

Angle X,Y Z: 15 15 15

Line lenght:80

Iterations: 5

Line width

Start color AA5863

End Color: AAAA

Background coloe:F

Foto van julijana radovanovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door julijana radovanovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 10:08

Variables: F

 Rules: F=_F-F++F+F-F-F.;

 Root: _F-F-F-F-F

 Center x: 120

 Center y: -6

 Step: 3 px 

 Angle: 72

 Width: 300 

 Height: 300 

 Iterations: 4

 Background color: 00ffff

 Pen color: 000

Dot color: 8000ff

 Ovaj zadatak je uradjen u programu ( 

(2D L siistem)

Foto van Uroš Simić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Uroš Simić - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 10:40

Variables:F, Rules:F=FF-[-F+F+F]+[+F-F-F], Initial state: F

Angle X,Y&Z: 0 20 20, Line length: 40, Iterations: 4

Line width: 1, Start color: 99, End color: 999, Background color: F

Foto van Ana Morović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ana Morović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 11:28

Root: _FF*

Rules: *=[/+[R<*>]-[R<*>]-[R<*>]-[R<*>]]

          F=F[--F][^^F ][+F]F [--/FF ] [__FF ]

Iterations: 5

Center X: 12

Center Y: -91

Step: 50px

Angle: 50°

Colours: 000000 ; 0000ff ; 0000ff ; CC40CC

Pri izradi zadatka korišćen je

Foto van Nina Dimitrov
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Nina Dimitrov - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 12:47

Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F +F_F +F_F

Angle X,Y,Z: 0;10;300

Line lenght:50


Line width:1

Start color: 00123456789

End color: 001234567891012

Background color: F

Foto van Lenka Zdravkovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Lenka Zdravkovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 12:54

Variables: F

Rules: F=F[--F]_[ffF_F]]_F

Line length: 100

Initial state: FFFFFF

Angles x, y, z : 0, 15, 60

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: 1112FF

End color: 5FFF

Background color: 1

Foto van Andrijana Stanić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Andrijana Stanić - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 12:57

Variables: F

Rules: F=+[+F-F-F]+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 0, 15

Line length: 40

Line width: 1

Start color: ff66cc, End color: 0066cc, Background color: F

Foto van Hristina Tomasevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Hristina Tomasevic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 13:15

Width: 300

Height: 300

Iterations: 4

Root: _X

Rules: X=X+YF++YF-FX--FXFX-YF+;

Center X: 135

Center Y: 52

Step: 4 px

Angle: 58°

Background color: #0

Pen color: #00fffff

Target pen color: #fff

Dot color: #f

-Δ step: 0.5%
-Δ angle :0%

Za zadatak sam koristila online sajt za 2D L-sisteme.

Foto van andjela sulic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door andjela sulic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 13:36

variables F

 rules F=F[-F][+F][-F[-F][+F]][+F[-F][+F]][-F[-F[-F[-F][+F]]]][-F[-F[-F][+F]]][+F[+F[-F][+F]]][+F[+F[+F[-F][+F]]]]f//-

initial state F

angles X,Y,Z 0,5,22

line lenght 13

iterations 3

line width 1.27

start color FF0

end color 00456

background collor FFF4FF0F666

Foto van Jaksa Bugarski
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jaksa Bugarski - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 13:53

Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F+F_F+F+F

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y & Z: 30, 60, 60

Line length: 60

Iterations: 3

Line width: 3

Start color: FF

End color: 6565

Background color: F09

Foto van Matija Klačar
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Matija Klačar - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 14:15

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F-F_F

Initial state: F-F+F+F+F+F+F_F^F^F^F+F^F+F+F^F+F+F+F+F\F+F^F

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 30

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 6

Start color: FFCE76, End color: FFCE, Background color: FFFFFF

Foto van Filip Prodanović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Filip Prodanović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 14:21

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F[-FF][+FF]F[-FF][+FF]F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 0, 35

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3 

Start color: FFFF, End color: F, Background color: F

Foto van Milica Velkov
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Milica Velkov - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 14:23

Iterations : 8
Root : _F/-F++F++F
Center X : 0
Center Y : -140
Step: 1px
Angle : 80
Rules : F=F-<F++F>-F
Dot color : 000000
Background color : 000000
Pen color : FF1493
Target pen color : 008888
Presets : Kochflake
-Δ step: 10
-Δ angle: 0

Radi se o 2D L sistemu.

Foto van Dunja Smiljanic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Dunja Smiljanic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 14:30

Variables: F

Rules: F=F_+F+[F_f-Ff-ff-[F-F]-f

Initial state: F+FF-f

Angle X,Y & Z: 25,15, 9

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: 230115232, End color: 550551, Background color: 0

Foto van Filip Karadzic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Filip Karadzic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 14:28

Variables: F

Rules: F=[-F][+F][-F][+F]F

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y, Z: 0,30,30

Line length: 30

Iterations: 6

Line width: 1

Start color: FFFF

End color: FF00

Background color: F

Foto van Marko Janković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marko Janković - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 14:51

Iterations : 8
Root : _/-F++F++F
Center X : -41
Center Y : 21
Step: 182px
Angle : 124
Rules : F=F-<F++F>-F
Dot color : 800080

Background color : 000000
Pen color : FF1111
Target pen color : FFFF00
Presets : Kochflake
-Δ step: 4
-Δ angle: 0

U pitanju je 2d L sistem

Foto van Igor Urošević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Igor Urošević - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 14:51

Variables: F 


Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 40 

Line width: 2

Iterations: 3

Start color: 000000

End color: BAFF29

Background color: 342E37

Foto van Mladen Djukic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Mladen Djukic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 14:52

Iteration: 6

Root: _*F+XF+F+XF

Rules: X=XF-F+F-XF+F+XF-F+F-X

Center X: 633

Center Y: -3

Step: 5


Background color: 000000

Pen color: 0046c7

Target pen color: ff0000

Dot color: ff0000

Radjeno na

Foto van Isidora Spasovski
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Isidora Spasovski - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 14:53
Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F+F_f+f+f_   

 Initial state: F,  Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 40, 60

 Line length: 220, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

 Start color: E

 End color: EEAAB

 Background color: 2e

Foto van mirko radojicic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door mirko radojicic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 14:54

Variables: F 

Rules: F=F_F+F_F+F+F

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 80, 90

Line length: 60 

Line width: 3

Iterations: 3

Start color: FF, End color: 1562965625, Background color: 4253235353

Foto van Katarina Popović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Katarina Popović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 15:22

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F+F+]F+F+F__]++]++

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 100, 60

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: F, End color: FFFFFF, Background color: 0

Foto van Jelena Smiljanic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jelena Smiljanic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 15:51

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F+F+^^^_

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 30

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: 000000, End color: ff3300, Background color: FFFFFF

Foto van milica milosavljevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door milica milosavljevic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 16:08

Variables : F

Rules : F=F+++F+

Initial state : FF+FFF

Angle X, Y, Z : 0, 0, 77

Line length : 100

Iterations : 7

Line width : 1

Start color : FF00FF

End color : FFF000

Background color : F

Foto van Katarina Ognjenović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Katarina Ognjenović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 16:16

Iterations : 2
Center X :15
Center Y : -17
Step: 35 px
Angle : 50°
Rules: F=F+[F_F+ff+ff/][fFFFFFFFFFF+_FF/+FF][f-^//+-FfFf][fF]
Background color : 000000
Pen color : ffcc00
-Δ step: 10 
-Δ angle: 0

Radi se o 2D L sistemu, koristila sam L-System Explorer aplikaciju.

Foto van Jana Radoja
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jana Radoja - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 16:41

Variables: F,  Rules: F=[-^F]F][^F++F]--F][-^F][F][^F++F]--F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 55, Line width: 3, Iterations: 3

Start color: f65, End color: f5, Background color: f

Foto van Kosta Stojanović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Kosta Stojanović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 16:50

Variables: F,  Rules:F=F_F+F_F_F+F_F+F_F+F_F+F_F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 170, Line width: 1.2, Iterations: 3

Start color: F40808, End color: 4A1718, Background color: FFFFFF

Foto van Nađa Veličković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Nađa Veličković - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 16:56

Variables: F

Rules: F=:F_F-F_F-F_F-F_F-F

Angle X,Y,Z: 90;90;75

Line lenght:110


Line width:0.7

Start color: ff4

End color: ff33

Background color: 292929

Foto van Tijana Smigic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Tijana Smigic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 17:24

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F-F-F-F-F-F__f+f+f__f+f+f_

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 40, 60

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4

Start color: 8888, End color: F, Background color: F

Foto van Milena Markovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Milena Markovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 17:28

Variables: F, 

Rules F=F+F+F+F^F^F

Initial state: F\F\F\F\F, Angle X,Y & Z: 90, 92, 90

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: F, End color:FFFF, Background color:3535

Foto van Ana Marković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ana Marković - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 17:33

Karakteristike inicijalnog elementa produkciona pravila:

Variables: F

 Rules: F=F+F++F+F

Initial state: F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F_F

Angle X,Y & Z: 90, 9, 60

Line length: 69

Line width: 1

Iterations: 3

Start color: e23456

End color: ff

Background color: f

*Ana Marković sa brojem indeksa 12018/2019

Foto van Sara jevtic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sara jevtic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 17:32

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+[F_F-F][f-_\F][f-^\^][f\\F]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 5, 25,20

Line length: 30, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: ff584, End color: 32ef, Background color: 3

Foto van Uroš Čuturilo
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Uroš Čuturilo - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 17:41

Variables: F


Initial state: F+F+F+F+F+F

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 40, Line width: 3, Iterations: 3

Start color: 134511111, End color: 75322998844, Background color: F

Foto van Jovana Kostic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jovana Kostic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 17:42

Variables: F;   Rulers: F=F-F_F-F_F-F_F-F_F-F

Initial state: F;   Angle X,Y & Z: 20, 40, 70

Line length: 120;   Iterations: 3

Line width: 2;   Start color: FFF;  End color: F0

Background color: F;

Foto van Andjela Manojlovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Andjela Manojlovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 17:44

Variables: F  

Rules: F=F+F_F-+[F^/F]

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y & Z: 15, 15, 30

Line length: 40

Iterations: 5

Line width: 1

Start color: 00FCE

End color: FFF62

Background color: 2D2D25

Foto van Damjan Trifunović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Damjan Trifunović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 17:44

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+FFFF(F+F+F)+

Angle X, Y & Z: 30; 30; 60

Line lenght: 40

Iterations: 3

Line width: 3

Start color: 28B725

End color: 5518B8

Background color: FFFFFF

Foto van Isidora Zubović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Isidora Zubović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 17:48

Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F+F_F+F+F-

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y,Z: 30,0,55

Line lenght: 41

Iteration: 4

Line width:1

Start color: F08080

End color: 2A0B2AA

Background color: 00000

Foto van Sofija Glavaš-Trbić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sofija Glavaš-Trbić - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 17:56

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F+F_+f+_fff

Initial state: F+F

Angle X,Y,Z: 0; 10; 60;

Line lenght: 10

Iteration: 3

Line width: 1.5

Start color: 6

End color: 8181

Background color: 4C

Foto van Sonja Stojnić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sonja Stojnić - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 17:57

Variables: F


Initial state: F

 Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 30, 12

Line length: 40

 Line width: 1

 Iterations: 11 

Start color: 1CE9D4, End color: 524FEC, Background color: 000000

Foto van Sandra Stojanović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sandra Stojanović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:05

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F^F+F

Initial state: F+F+F+F,Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 15, Line width: 3, Iterations: 4 

Start color: FFF80E, End color: FF0EA7, Background color:151515

Foto van Srđan Piščević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Srđan Piščević - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:06

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F++F+F+F-F

Initial state: F+F-F

Angle X, Y, Z: 10, 60, 50

Line length: 15

Iterations: 3

Line width: 3.5

Start color: 2

End color: 398

Background color: F

Foto van Marko Djuric
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marko Djuric - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:07

Variables: F
Rules: F=F[-F][+F][-F[-F][+F]][+F[-F][+F]][-F[-F[-F[-F][+F]]]][-F[-F[-F][+F]]][+F[+F[-F][+F]]][+F[+F[+F[-F][+F]]]]-F
Initial state: F
Angle x,y & z: 0,0,15
Line lenght: 10
Iterations: 3
Line width: 2
Start color: FfFFF; End color: FFF
Background color: D

Foto van Anja Jancic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anja Jancic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:10

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F---FFF-+FF+F+

Initial state:FFFFFFFFFFF , Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 0, 86

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3

Start color: FFF, End color: FFFF, Background color: F

Foto van Stevan Jovanovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Stevan Jovanovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:26

Variables: F,

Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F+F^F+F+F+F^^--\_F^F+F+F+F+F+F

Initial state: 22F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 15, 60

Line length: 50, Line width: 1.4, Iterations: 1

Start color: ffee00, End color: F49907, Background color: 3a3535

Foto van anica trajkovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door anica trajkovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:33

Variables: F+F

Rules: F=F-_F-F-F-F-F_

Initial state: F-F-F-F

Angle X, Y & Z:   20, 10, 70

Line length: 20

Iterations: 3

Line width: 1.5

Start color: 1

End color: FFF111

Background color: 210

Foto van Srđan Pavlović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Srđan Pavlović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:38

Variables F

RULES : F=F+F++F+F^[D+D++D+D] _ A+A++A+A_O+O[T+T++D]

Initial state: F^F^F^F_F

Angle:  30  5  60

Line lenght: 20

Iteration: 3

Line width: 2

Start color: ff33000

End color: f36ff

Background: FFFF

Foto van Lidija Zaric
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Lidija Zaric - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:39

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+(-F^)+(F_F)+

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y,Z: 6,9,6

Line Lenght:50

Iterations: 5

Line Width:1

Start color: 8B008B

End coolor: FF1493

Background color:FFFFFF

Foto van Marija Petrovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marija Petrovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:42

Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F+F_F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F

Angle X, Y, Z: 40; 50; 90

Line lenght: 110

Iteration: 3

Line width: 1

Start color: 453477

End color: 43477

Background color: F

Foto van Aleksandra Lazić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Aleksandra Lazić - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:53

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F++E++fFf

Initial state: F

Angle X: 0

Angle Y: 75

Angle Z :200

Line lenght: 4

Iterations: 7

Line width: 1

Start color: 2a84

End color: 02a16a

Background color: 000000

Foto van Kristina Kantar
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Kristina Kantar - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:53

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F]______F+F+

Initial state: F+F+F

Angle X,Y,Z: 30; 30; 10;

Line lenght: 30

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: 47Fff3

End color: 000000

Background color: 0000

Foto van Aleksandar Ugrenovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Aleksandar Ugrenovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:54

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F++F-F++

Initial state: F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F

Angle X,Y & Z: 20, 30, 9

Line length: 60, Line width: 0.8, Iterations: 4

Start color: 666a86, End color: e8ddb5, Background color: 333333

Foto van Irena Beriša
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Irena Beriša - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:55

Variables: F 

Rules: F=F+f-F___


Angle X, Y & Z: 0, 22, 9

Line length: 26

Iterations: 5

Line width: 2

Start color: FFDF

End color: 655

Background color: F

Foto van Nadja Stankovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Nadja Stankovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:56

Variables: F

Rules: F=F[-F+F]f[+F-F]fF

Angle X,Y,Z: 60; 50; 100

Line lenght: 50


Line width:1

Start color: a864a8

End color: 35e0ca

Background color: 55555

Foto van Teodora Zivkovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Teodora Zivkovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:59

Variables: R

Rules: *=[/+[R<*>]-[R<*>]-[R<*>]-[R<*>]]

Width:   400          Center X: 0              Step: 60px                Background color: #fdefa1

Height: 400          Center Y: -113           Angle: 25°                  Pen color: #a02020

Iterations: 5                                           -Δ step: 17%              Target pen color: #400000

Root: _FF*                                            -Δ angle: 195%           Dot color: #df7555

Zadatak je odrađen u programu L-System Explorer (

Foto van Mia Mihailovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Mia Mihailovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 18:59

Variables: F,  Rules:F=+[+F-F-F]-F+F+F+F+F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 20

Line length: 50, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: FFFF2000, End color: FFFFFF, Background color: F

Foto van Milica Drageljevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Milica Drageljevic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 19:01

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+fF+fF+F+F+F

Initial state: F/F+F/F+F/F+F/F+F/F+F/F+F/F+F/F+F/F+F/F+F/F+F/F+F/F

Angle X,Y,Z: 26; 20; 10;

Line lenght: 20

Iteration: 2

Line width: 1.5

Start color: EEAABA

End color: EEAAB500

Background color: 5C

Foto van Natalija Ćirić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Natalija Ćirić - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 19:10

Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F-F_F-F_F-F_F

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y,Z: 0  55  75 

Line length: 40

Iterations: 3

Line width: 1X

Start color: 26563

End color: 89

Background color: 11111

Foto van Anja Dejanović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anja Dejanović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 19:14

Iterations: 5

Root: _FF*

Center X: 0

Center Y: -133

Step: 50px

Angle: 30

Rules: F=[/+F<*>FFFF-F<*>ff-F<*>f-F<*>F]

Dot color: ccccFF

Background color: 00000

Pen color: 0000ff

Target pen color: ff00ff

Presets: Tree

-Δ step: 20

-Δ angle: 20

 Ovaj zadatak je odradjen u drugom programu ( koji je predlozila asistentkinja Jelena Ivanovic.

Foto van Nikola Smudja
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Nikola Smudja - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 19:20

Variables: F

Rules: F= F+F+_]

Angle X,Y,Z: 40;50;75

Line lenght: 120


Line width:3

Start color: FF4F4F

End color: 23562

Background color: F

Foto van Julija Stanojević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Julija Stanojević - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 19:28

Variables: A

Rules: A=A-A-A-A-A__a+a+a__a+a+a_

Angle X, Y, Z: 0, 40, 60

Line lenght: 40

Iteration: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: 92278f

End color: 35e0ca

Background color: d2b1e3

Foto van Teodora Pjevčević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Teodora Pjevčević - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 19:32

Iterations: 5

Root: _[Y]++[Y]++[Y]++[Y]++[Y]

Center X: 0

Center Y: 2

Step: 20px

Angle: 36

Rules: W=<YF++ZF----XF[-YF----WF]++>;




Dot color: FF

Background color: 0

Pen color: ff00ff

Target pen color: ff0000

Presets: Pernose

-Δ step: 0

-Δ angle:0

 Zadatak je odradjen u  programu ( 

Foto van Mina Filipović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Mina Filipović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 19:32

Variables: F, 

Rules: +[^F_F]\+/[^F_F]+
Angle X,Y,Z: 40;40;180

Line lenght:35


Line width:2

Start color: 45aa4

End color: 22ccc2

Background color: 353

Foto van Marija Arsic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marija Arsic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 19:35

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F[-F][^F ][+F]\\F [--/FF ] [_FF ]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 0, 15

Line length: 50, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: 15451, End color: FC4882, Background color: 000000

Foto van Kristina Brankovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Kristina Brankovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 19:38

Variables: F



Center x:0

Centre y:-130






Background color:ffffff

Pen color:0000ff

Target pen color:f7ff1a

Dot color:003ace

Ovaj zadatak je odradjen u 2D L sistemu,u programu koji je preporucila asistentkinja Jelena Ivanovic (

Foto van Aleksandra Mitrović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Aleksandra Mitrović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 19:38

Variables: F


Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z:0,0,36

Line length:1


Line width:1

Start color:FFF

End color:ef79c4

Background color:FFFFFF

Foto van Magdalena Marković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Magdalena Marković - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 19:53

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F_F+F_F+F+F

Initial state: F+F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 10, 60

Line length: 30, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: FF1B8D, End color: 7E0D45, Background color: CCC1C6

Foto van Filip Ilić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Filip Ilić - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 19:55

Variables: F,  Rules: F=FF+[F+F]fF+F^[FF-FF]---F+

Initial state: FFF, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 15, 2

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3 

Start color: 55555, End color:1269, Background color: 00000

Foto van Aleksandar Petrovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Aleksandar Petrovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 19:57

Variables : F

Rules : F=FFF+-FFFF+-FF+-FF

Initial state : F

Angle X,Y & Z : 2, 2, 46

Line length : 40

Iterations : 3

Line width : 1

Start color : F3 ; End color : 2F2 

Background color : F32

Foto van Ana Erak
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ana Erak - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 19:56

variables  F[F__f+F]

initial state
angles xyz 90 30 60
length 80
iteration 3
line weight 1
start end colour 7700cf
background 000

Foto van Milos Slavkovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Milos Slavkovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:02

Variables: F

Rules: F=F-F-F-F-F-F__f+f+f__

Initial state: F+F+F+F+F

Angle: X, Y & Z: 0, 0, 3

Line length: 10

Interations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: 36b

End color: e0ca

Background color: 0000

Foto van Olga Ogorelac
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Olga Ogorelac - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:04

Variables: F


Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 20,20,20

Line length:20


Line width:1.5

Start color:BF00FF

End color:F4FAF

Background color:F

Foto van Tara Tadic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Tara Tadic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:06

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F+F__f+f+f_

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 40, 60

Line length: 300

Line width: 1

Iterations: 4 

Start color: 8181F7

End color: E0E0F8

Background color: F

Foto van Andrea Đurđević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Andrea Đurđević - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:16

Width: 400
Height: 400
Iterations: 5
Center X: 0
Center Y: 0

Root: _F

Step: 50px
Angle: 130
-Δ step: 80
-Δ angle: 20

Background color: #000000
Pen color: #ff0000
Target pen color: #ffff00
Dot color: #ff8d00

Koristila sam L-System Explorer aplikaciju

Foto van Tea Radojičić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Tea Radojičić - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:24

Width: 300
Height: 300
Iterations: 6
Root: _/F<X>-F<X>-F<X>
Center X: 150
Center Y: 45
Step: 5px
Angle: 60°
-Δ step: 0%
-Δ angle: 0%
Background color: 000000
Pen color: /
Target Pen color: ffff00
Dot color: ffff00

Za zadatak sam koristila online sajt za 2D L-sisteme.

Foto van Nadja Starcevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Nadja Starcevic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:24

Variables: F 

Rules: F=F+F---


Angle X, Y & Z: 0, 22, 66

Line length: 140

Iterations: 7

Line width: 2

Start color: 23334

End color: ff

Background color: F

Foto van Jana Grebenarovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jana Grebenarovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:27

Variables: F,  Rules: F=FFFFFFFFFFFFFF-fffffffff- 

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 0, 89

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3 

Start color: EEEEE, End color: EEE, Background color: E

Foto van Sofija Stojanovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sofija Stojanovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:32



Initial state:F

AngleX,Y & Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length:40


Line width:2

Start color:000000

End color:FF000

Background color:00000

Foto van Marko Janković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marko Janković - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:35

Napravljeno uz pomoć:




Center X:-1

Center Y:-55

Count center:no



-Δ step:45

-Δ angle:15

Background color:#000000

Pen color:#48d1ff

Target pen color:#ff7648

Dot color:#CC40CC

Root: _/F<X>-F<X>-F<X>-F<X>


Foto van Danilo Ćorković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Danilo Ćorković - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:40
Variables: F

Rules: F= F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F-
Initial state: FF
Angle X,Y, & Z: 20 20 65
Line lenght: 50
Iterations: 3
Line width: 1
Start Color: DD4
End Color: DD4D
Background color: F

Foto van Milica Milunovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Milica Milunovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:40

Variables: F

Rules: F-F_F

Initial state:F

Angle X,Y & Z: 20, 60, 30

Line length: 60

Line width: 1,5

Iterations: 6

Start color: 59777

End color: 85555

Backround color: 032

Foto van Luka Stevanović
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Luka Stevanović - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:40

Variables: F

Rules: F= F/F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F+

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z : 31, 30, 60

Line length: 30

Iterations: 3

Line width: 1.2

Start color: ff1a1a

End color: ffe6e6

Background color: 0

Foto van Kristina Sokić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Kristina Sokić - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:45

Variables: F,  Rules: F=-F_F-_F_F-F-F+F+F+F+F+F+F+F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 40, 60

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3

Start color: 0400O3, End color: 5421D0, Background color:F

Foto van Dragoslav Obradovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Dragoslav Obradovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:54

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F[-F][^F ][+F]\\F [--/FF ] [_FF ]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 0, 25

Line length: 40, Line width: 1.5, Iterations: 4 

Start color: 6699ff, End color: 9900ff, Background color: 10101

Foto van Ivana Rakovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ivana Rakovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 20:58

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F*F_FF(F+F

Initial state: F+FF,  Angle X,Y & Z: 10,15,15

Line lenght: 50,  Line width: 2,  Iterations: 4

Start color: 946,  End color: 7496,  Background color: F

Foto van Tadej Djurovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Tadej Djurovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:06

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F+F__f+f+f+f+f

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 10, 25, 60

Line length: 250, Line width: 2, Iterations:3 

Start color: f6, End color: c578, Background color: F

Foto van Tara Grahovac
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Tara Grahovac - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:07

Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F+F_F+F+F+F+F [+F][-f]

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 10, 100

Line lenght: 30

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: FF0000

End color: FF

Background color: F

Foto van Anja Radonjic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anja Radonjic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:12

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+F+F+F+F+F__f+f+f_F+F+F

Angle X, Y, Z: 30, 40, 60

Line lenght: 200

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: 3399cc

End color: cc3366

Background color: F

Foto van Milana Djakovic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Milana Djakovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:13

Varibales: F Rules F=FF-F-F-F  Initial state: F

Angle X,Y,Z 100,100,20 Line lenght 40 Iterations 4 

Line width 2 Start color:e619B  End color 469990 Background color 333333

Foto van Una Strize
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Una Strize - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:22

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F [-- ^ < FF][ < + + ^ F ] //F [ - - ^ > F ]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 15, 15  

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: 000000, End color: ff000, Background color: FFFFFF

Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Emilija Bankovic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:24

Variables: F

Rules: F=F-F-F-F-F-_f+f+f_f+f


Angle x,y & z: 78, 3, 56
Line length: 22
Iterations: 2
Line width: 1
Start color: B28CF4
End color: 7FA1E8
Background color: 4B4D4D

Foto van Anastasia Milovac
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anastasia Milovac - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:25

Variables: F,

Rules: F=F-F-F-F-F-F-_________________

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y & Z: 5, 10, 70

Line length: 40, Line width: 1

Iterations: 3

Start color: 66666, End color: FF, Background color: 6666

Foto van Jovana Talijan
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jovana Talijan - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:27



Initial state: --------------------F

Angle X,Y & Z: 0,15,15

Line length: 40

Iterations: 5

Line width: 1

Start color: ffffff

End color: de4f23

Background color: 403c3b

Foto van Natalija Vićentić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Natalija Vićentić - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:31

Height: 300
Iterations: 6
Root: _ff*

Step: 10
Angle: 120

Background color: 000000
Dot color: ff0005

Rules: F=-F+F-F+F-FF-F

Foto van Sara Sinobad
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Sara Sinobad - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:39

Variables: F  

Rules: F=F_F +F_F +F +f

Initial state: FfffFfffFfffFfffF

Angle X, Y & Z: 30, 30, 30

Line length: 40

Iterations: 5

Line width: 0.5

Start color: F18805

End color: F0A202

Background color: 363636

Foto van Jovana Velojic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jovana Velojic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:39

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F[-F+F][+F-F]fF

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 10, 30

Line length: 10, Line width: 3, Iterations: 3

Start color: 123445, End color: 76, Background color: F

Foto van Lidija Pavicevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Lidija Pavicevic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:43

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F_F+F+F_F+F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 20, 20, 150

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4 

Start color: 17BEBBB, End color: B67, Background color: 000000

Foto van Jasmina Ivaneza
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jasmina Ivaneza - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:44

Variables: F

Rules: F= F^F+F

Angle X,Y,Z: 50;60;60

Line lenght: 50


Line width:3

Start color: a436fa

End color: 232323

Background color: FFFFFF

Foto van Mila Dimitrijević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Mila Dimitrijević - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:46

Variables: F,  Rules:F=F[FFF+F][+F+F-FFF]F[-F+F][F]

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 0, 30

Line length: 20, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3 

Start color: fdd6ca, End color: ff1c87, Background color: F

Foto van Andjela Djukic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Andjela Djukic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:52

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+FF+F+FF+F++

Initial state: F

Angle X,Y,Z: 0, 20, 200

Line Length: 30

Iterations: 4

Line width: 2

Start color: 64E8D1

End color: FF81B7

Background color: FFFFFF

Foto van Aleksa Papić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Aleksa Papić - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 21:56

Iteration: 10


Rules: X=[+F<X>-F<X>-F<X>-F]

Center X: 65

Center Y: 22

Step: 50


Background color: 40323

Pen color: ffff00

Target pen color: 00ff00

Dot color: CC40CC

Radjeno na

Foto van Teodora Ilic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Teodora Ilic - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 22:00

Rules: F=F/ [_---+< F]+[ >F f + ^ /F ] //F [^ > F ] 
Initial state: FfFFf
Angle x,y,z= 30:40:10
Line width: 2
Start color: 0000FF
End color: FF0000
Background color: F

Foto van Radovanka Milošević
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Radovanka Milošević - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 22:01

Variables F


Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 30, 30, 16

Line length: 40, Line width: 2, Iterations: 3 

Start color: 9920af, End color: 0f9774, Background color: 00000

Foto van Milutin Stanković
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Milutin Stanković - zondag, 12 januari 2020, 22:10

Iteration: 6


Rules: X=[+F<X>-F<X>-F<X>-F]

Center X: -1

Center Y:-35

Step: 50


Background color: 40323

Pen color: ffff00

Target pen color: 00ff00

Dot color: CC40CC

Radjeno na

Foto van Jelena Curcic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Jelena Curcic - maandag, 13 januari 2020, 10:23

Variables: F,  Rules:F=FF--D__

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 0, 0, 69

Line length: 70, Line width: 1, Iterations: 6

Start color: 868A08, End color: AEB404, Background color: 190710

Foto van Ema Čamagić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Ema Čamagić - woensdag, 22 januari 2020, 17:09

Radjeno preko WWW L-System Explorer
Width:Center X:Step: pxBackground color:# 
Height:Center Y:Angle: °Pen color:# 
Iterations:Count center:-Δ step:% / itTarget pen color:# 
Root:-Δ angle:% / itDot color:# 

Radjeno preko WWW L-System Explorer-a.

Foto van Vidoslav Tasić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Vidoslav Tasić - donderdag, 23 januari 2020, 19:53

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F_F+F_F+F_F+F_F+F_F

Initial state: F, Angle X,Y & Z: 10, 10, 60

Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 3 

Start color: FFFFF, End color: FFF00FF, Background color: 211234

Foto van Anđela Rašić
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Anđela Rašić - zaterdag, 25 januari 2020, 23:53

Variables: F,  Rules: F=F+FF_F+FF-F-FF  Initial state: F+F+F, Angle X,Y & Z: 60, 30, 60  Line length: 40, Line width: 1, Iterations: 4

Foto van Marko Gatalica
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Marko Gatalica - zondag, 26 januari 2020, 14:49

Variables: F

Rules: F=F_F+F+f+F_F+F_F

Initial state: F

Angle X, Y & Z: 0, 30 60

Line length: 70

Iterations: 8

line width: 1

Start color:1551450

End color: 2451451

Background color: F

Foto van Dusan Djordjevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Dusan Djordjevic - zondag, 26 januari 2020, 15:26

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+[F^F]F+FF-F

Initial state: FF

Angle X, Y, Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 20

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: e08655

End color: ff4

Background color: 000

Foto van Dusan Djordjevic
Odgovor: Zadatak 2 - 3D L-sistemi
door Dusan Djordjevic - zondag, 26 januari 2020, 15:26

Variables: F

Rules: F=F+[F^F]F+FF-F

Initial state: FF

Angle X, Y, Z: 30, 30, 60

Line length: 20

Iterations: 4

Line width: 1

Start color: e08655

End color: ff4

Background color: 000