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What do you think about death penalty ?

Picture of Edis Kotro
What do you think about death penalty ?
by Edis Kotro - Sunday, 21 December 2014, 7:28 PM

I think by killing someone, you achieve nothing, probably just nightmares or something even worse.For example, serial killers should be forever in prison because they don't deserve to be killed, they need to see how it is when you have no freedom and no life at all.

What do you think ?

Picture of Anita Jankovic
Re: What do you think about death penalty ?
by Anita Jankovic - Thursday, 25 December 2014, 7:08 PM

Dear Edis,

You've chosen a very controversial issue for the discussion. I believe we will read a lot of strong opinion statements here :)

From my point of view, it is absurd to punish a crime by committing the same act. I agree with you that serial killers are best punished when their freedom is taken away, but not for the same reasons as yours. Namely, if individuals are punished for taking a life, the state should abide by the same rule, because it is the individuals who run the country  in whose name these acts are performed.

On the other hand, I can understand both economic and ethical reasons behind capital punishment.