
Grading the assignments

Picture of Aleksandra Mihajlovic
Grading the assignments
by Aleksandra Mihajlovic - Sunday, 26 October 2014, 9:01 PM

I just want to know why I diden't get an answer on grammar assignment:articles and forum assignment:introductions,when I send the answer?

(Edited by Anita Jankovic - original submission Sunday, 26 October 2014, 5:32 PM)

Picture of Anita Jankovic
Re: Grading the assignments
by Anita Jankovic - Sunday, 26 October 2014, 9:09 PM

Dear Aleksandra,

The answer is very simple. Unlike a quiz which is an automated activity and graded instantly by the platform, grading an assignment is not an automatic process, which means that I need to review your work and then grade it.

You posted your assignment today at 11 am. It's unrealistic to expect to be graded immediately.

There are 47 of you enrolled in the course at the moment and only me doing the grading.I usually log in three times a week and grade assignments. It is only fair for you to expect a grade once a module is closed. So please be patient in the future.