7.5 Writing assignment: A news story

Write a news story based on one of the following headlines, trying to include varied vocabulary and complex sentences.

  • Thieves flee in stolen car as police arrive         
  • Car chase ends in village pond
  • Youth saves eighty-year old from flood
  • Painting recovered after cat burglar blunder
  • Robbers seen off by old lady and a broom 

The essay should have 150 to 200 words.  

Note: Please review the guidelines on plagiarism. Your essays will be checked for copying other people's content.

How to submit the assignment:

  • Click Add submission 
  • Upload a word document with your essay.
  • Make sure the word document is saved as follows: assignment number-your name-index number (for example: 7.5-Anita Jankovic-311)
  • Click Save changes at the bottom
  • And finally, click Submit assignment