2.6 Writing assignment: Describe a place

In this assignment you will describe a place or “space” that has significant meaning or memories for you. Try to avoid large and vague places such as your hometown, the beach, the mountains, etc.  Narrow your focus to one specific and particular setting.  Your specific place may as simple as your grandparent’s old dining room, a bench where you would pause on a trail, an empty locker room after a game, a favorite chair, etc.  Your place may currently exist, or it may be a memory of a place that may no longer exist. You may not create an “imagined place” for this assignment.

Your essay should do the following:

  • Describe the place using vivid and concrete details.  Use imagery to capture the sights, sounds, smells, touch, and tastes of the place.
  • Briefly describe the people and interactions of this place but connect them back to the specific objects.  Example: You might examine your grandparent’s living room and explain the significance of a blanket that your grandmother made; however, avoid giving long descriptions of your grandmother. The objects and the place should be the focus of the essay.

 Pre-writing questions to think about:

  • What places come to mind when someone asks you about your favorite or worst memories?
  • What places come to mind when you think of comfort, relaxation, home, safety, love, acceptance, pride, joy, friendship, etc.?
  • If you were granted the ability to invisibly go to one place for five minutes before you died, where would you go? Why would you choose this place?
  • What sights, sounds, smells, tactile objects (touch), and tastes come to mind with this setting?
  • Reflection:
    • Why is this place significant?
    • How has this place impacted you?
    • Would you be a different person without this place?
    • Does this place symbolize anything in your life or your family’s life?

Your essay should be between 150 and 200 words. Instructions on how to write a good descriptive account of a place can be found here. Tips on descriptive writing in general can be found hereUseful vocabulary for describing places can be found here.

Note: Please review the guidelines on plagiarism. Your essays will be checked for copying other people's content.

How to submit the assignment:

  • Click Add submission 
  • Upload a word document with your essay (make sure the word document is saved as follows: assignment number-your name-index number, e.g. 2.6-Anita Jankovic-31)
  • Click Save changes at the bottom
  • And finally, click Submit assignment