Opciones de matriculación

Studijski program: Drumski saobraćaj, Privredno inženjerstvo

Naziv predmeta: Engleski jezik 

Cilj predmeta: Upoznavanje studenata sa terminologijom iz privrednog inženjerstva, mašinstva i motora. Sposobnost usmenog i pismenog komuniciranja

Ishod predmeta: Nakon položenog predmeta student će biti osposobljen da usmeno i pismeno komunicira na engleskom jeziku.

Sadržaj predmeta:

The Present Simple and the Present Continuous Tense; The Past Simple and the Past Continuous Tense; The Present Perfect Simple and the Present Perfect Continuous Tense; The Past Prefect Simple and the Past Prefect Continuous Tense; The Future Simple and the Future Continuous Tense; The Future Perfect Simple and the Future Perfect Continuous Tense; If Clauses; The Passive Voice; Reported Speech; Sequence of Tenses;

Types of Transportation; Public Transport; Roads and Highways; Simple Machines; Efficiency of a Machine; Force and its Characteristics; Gravity; Energy; Engines and motors.

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