1.2 Quiz: Are you ready for this course?

are you ready

Are you ready for a hybrid course? You will find that for some students, online classes are more difficult and for others they are easier depending on their learning style, computer skills, internet access, personality, motivation, and other commitments. Not every student can effectively take advantage of the freedom and responsibility associated with learning within an online environment. Many students find learning easier in a classroom environment with face-to-face encouragement, immediate instructional feedback and personal interactions. Yet for many, learning online fits well and provides a valuable addition.

To achieve success in a hybrid class, you must be significantly more self-motivated, assertive, and skilled in your ability to learn independently. To a large extent, you must be able to generate your own enthusiasm and excitement about learning the material.

The purpose of this quiz is to assess your readiness for this course. It will identify your determination and focus, time management skills, learning preferences and technical skills. Answer the 20 questions truthfully as there are no right or wrong answers.

Attempts allowed: 1

This quiz closed on Sunday, 26 October 2014, 11:55 PM