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Did the organizer:

  • Develop a clear plan for the discussion?
  • Arrange the physiscal space to meet the requirements of the presentation?
  • Develop and use audio/visual aids?

Did participants:

  • Know and stick to the outline?
  • Keep contributions focused and BRIEF? 
  • Avoid repetition of points already made?
  • Listen carefully and critically?
  • Indulge in friendly disagreements about important ideas?
  • Appear knowledgeable and prepared to discuss? 
  • Manage their nonverbal communication effectively? 
  • Assist the moderator?

Did the moderator:

  • Presented an opening statement to gain audience attention and create interest?
  • Introduced the panelists?
  • Asked questions to initiate discussion?
  • Balance communication among the panelists?
  • Keep the group on the agenda?
  • Summarized the discussion?

Adapted from: UMW’s Speaking Center UNCG University Speaking Center, 256-1346,