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Open class discussion is an important and significant part of an online course. While class discussion whether online or face to face, can be characterized by free flowing conversation, there are identifiable characteristics that distinguish exemplary contributions to class discussion from those of lesser quality.  The criteria found on the rubric below will be used to assess the quality of your initial postings and responses to the postings and comments of peers during class discussion.  

Objective / criteria

Unsatisfactory (5)

Satisfactory (15)

Exemplary (20)


Content does not relate to the question. Terminology is imprecise and/or confusing. Information is presented without analysis, synthesis or application; supportive data from experience and/or reading is weak.


Content contains some irrelevant information; terminology lacks precision. Analyses, syntheses, and applications are minimally supported by data from experience and reading.


Content is presented with clear, precise terminology. Evidence of the ability to analyze, synthesize and apply data from personal or experience of others and/or assigned readings.


Style, spelling and grammar

Writing poorly organized, difficult to read. Multiple spelling and grammar errors.


Use of appropriate sentence structure. Thoughts pretty well organized. Minor spelling and grammar errors.


Well written, excellent grammar and no spelling errors. Smooth style, a pleasure to read.


Participation as a Member of the Community

Discussion postings do not contribute to ongoing conversations or respond to peers’ postings. There is no evidence of replies to questions or comments.

Discussion postings sometimes contribute to ongoing conversations as evidenced by expressing agreement, or asking related questions.

Discussion postings actively stimulate and sustain further discussion by building on peers’  responses including building a focused argument around a specific issue or asking a new related question

Polite communication and netiquette

Written interactions on the discussion board show disrespect for the viewpoints of others.

Some of the written interactions on the discussion board show respect and interest in the viewpoints of others.

Written interactions on the discussion board show respect and sensitivity to peers’ gender, cultural and linguistic background, sexual orientation, political and religious beliefs.

Postings/responses on time

Not posted on time.

Posted on time

Posted on time.





Adapted from: Joan Vandervelde, University of Winsconsin – Stout