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From a dictionary:

Netiquette (noun) - The correct or acceptable way of communicating on the Internet.

In online learning environment you will have your communication skills tested! You will be speaking through writing both to fellow students and instructors, so it is imperative to communicate well and professionally. When people cannot see you feelings can be hurt if you are not careful in how you express yourself. The old saying, think before you speak is important here. Think before you write. 

Online Communication

  • Be aware that typing in all capital letters indicates shouting.
  • Be careful with humor and sarcasm. Both can easily be misunderstood!
  • Review all discussion postings before posting your own to prevent repetition.
  • Check your writing for errors by reviewing what you have written before submitting it.
  • Acronyms (LOL, etc.) and emoticons (smilies) are commonly used online, but be careful not to overuse them.
  • Many communications with your instructor or fellow students are best handled through private messages. Only post on the course discussions if the conversation is relevant to others in the class.

Behind Every Name There is a Person

  • Respect the privacy of your classmates and what they share in the course.
  • Ask classmates for clarification if you find a discussion post offensive or difficult to understand.
  • Understand that we may disagree and that exposure to other people’s opinions is part of the learning experience.
  • Be respectful of each other. We’re all in this together. Before posting a comment, ask whether you would be willing to make the same comment to a person’s face.

Keep in mind that everything you write, indeed every click of your mouse is recorded on the network server. On the Internet there are no take backs. The golden rule of netiquette in an online learning environment is, do not do or say online what you would not do or say offline.