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Teacher’s expectations

The following ground rules will help your work in this course to go much more smoothly. Please carefully review these expectations and follow them.

  1. You are expected to come to class on time. If you are absent from any part of the class, it is entirely your responsibility to ascertain what you missed. It is our recommendation that you establish a reliable way to communicate with classmates to help you with this. Also, you can always contact the instructors regarding time you have missed; we cannot re-teach the entire class, but we will answer intelligently prepared questions and help you stay on track.
  2. Academic integrity will be appraised. For further details, read section 5.1 Academic Honesty.
  3. Don’t turn in late assignments. Late submissions will result in a lower grade (will not be accepted).
  4. Keep up with the reading. You have quite a few chapters, modules, discussion postings, and e-mail messages to read for the class. Please keep up with the reading. Students who keep up with the reading tend to do much better in this kind of class than those who do not.
  5. Don’t miss a quiz. Missed quizzes may not be retaken.
  6. Work with others. You are required to make every effort to work effectively and promptly with others in your groups. Fair criticism of your failure to work effectively with others will significantly affect your collaboration and participation grade.
  7. Respect for one another is always the rule in this course. You should always refrain from having conversations while the teacher is speaking / instructing or while other students are responding to questions. Treat others with courtesy, respect and civility. For netiquette in online communication, see section 5.2