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Assessment and Grading

Your work in this course will be continually assessed and graded at the end. The course work will be assessed in several ways: 

Rubricsa scoring tool that explicitly represents the performance expectations for an assignment or piece of work. It divides the assigned work into component parts and provides clear descriptions of the characteristics of the work associated with each component, at three levels of mastery. Rubrics will be used to assess your participation in online discussions. You can find the descriptive rubrics in chapter 4.1.

Peer review forms and checklist - some of your speaking assignments will be assessed by your classmates, not instructors. In turn, peer reviews are also going to be assessed by the instructor. To fascilitate this process we will use forms and checklist. You can find them in chapters 4.2 and 4.3. 

Final grade - your final grade is based on your complete work and performance during the course.

Activity in class 10%
Practical work  20%
Quiz 20%
Written exam 40%
Oral exam 10%

Grading criteria




5 (F)


6 (E)


7 (D)


8 (C)


9 (B)


10 (A)

Written exam comprises of three parts:

  1. Dictation        
  2. Reading test                                
  3. Essay

Oral exam: You will be asked to read and translate into Serbian an excerpt from the chapters of The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole which you are required to read. The oral exam also includes three brief questions, two of which have to do with the excerpt you will be asked to read and translate; the third question is a general interest/opinion question.

Example: Read and translate the following excerpt, then answer the questions that follow.

The truant officer came round this afternoon; he caught me sitting in a deckchair in the front garden. He didn’t believe I was ill! He is reporting me to the school! The fact that I was sipping Lucozade whilst wearing pyjamas, dressing gown and slippers seemed to have escaped him. I offered to show him my yukky tonsils but he backed away and trod on the dog’s paw. The dog has got a low pain threshold so it went a bit berserk. My father came out and separated them but things could get nasty for us.

  1. Define the word truant (line 1).
  2. Combine the second and third sentence into one using the appropriate linking device.
  3. Should university students be required to attend classes?