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During this course, you will:


  • use the new vocabulary in the context of assigned readings.
  • read a range of literary and academic texts
  • read for a variety of purposes including to gather information, to follow directions, to give a response, to form an opinion, to understand information.
  • discuss the reading in a classroom setting and in the group blog.
  • summarize and paraphrase the main idea of the reading.
  • answer several different types of questions from the reading: gist, purpose, detail and reference.
  • use the appropriate strategies to construct meaning: before, during, and after reading strategies.
  • construct meaning within the context of your own understanding and experiences.


  • listen with understanding to short academic lectures and other related oral content. The subject matter of these lectures is complex and is delivered at normal speed. 
  • accurately identify and understand the main ideas and details presented.
  • take clear notes, using signal words as organizational cues, also making lists, noting definitions, linking examples to main ideas, identifying cause and effect, and identifying points of view.


  • discuss the topics meaningfully and fluently with the teacher and with colleagues. Some of the discussion strategies you will employ are asking for and sharing opinions and ideas, agreeing and disagreeing, offering facts and examples, asking clarification questions, seeking confirmation, paraphrasing, and managing a discussion.
  • present your thoughts in an understandable manner. You will occasionally use sentences containing complex grammatical constructions with some errors, but not of a serious enough nature to prevent understanding.
  • construct and deliver a 5-minute presentation.
  • demonstrate vocabulary usage appropriate to the speaking tasks in presentations.
  • include organized content appropriate to the speaking tasks in presentations.
  • produce understandable standard English appropriate to the high intermediate level and to the speaking tasks.
  • participate in peer assessment of class presentations.
  • participate in class discussions and social dialogue.


  • demonstrate understanding of and ability to produce the targeted academic writing tasks.
  • follow the steps of the writing process to produce assignments.
  • adequately use Standard English grammar in writing assignments.
  • adequately use content material and vocabulary appropriate to the writing assignments.
  • participate in self-assessment and peer-assessment analysis exercises.
  • complete the class blog assignments and constructively comment on the blog posts of your colleagues.


  • use the targeted grammatical patterns in both speaking and writing with a high degree of accuracy.
  • demonstrate knowledge of the explanations and rules for the conventions of standard spoken and written English.
  • use the most appropriate grammatical structures in a variety of contexts.
  • correct your own errors when given appropriate feedback.
  • correct your colleagues’ errors in a socially appropriate manner.


  • pronounce words correctly and provide short definitions or synonyms for words.
  • identify the part of speech of the words and presented forms, as well as identify context cues in texts for correct word form placement.
  • use presented vocabulary in classroom activities, such as games, puzzles and discussions.
  • use the presented vocabulary words and other word forms in appropriately in oral and written form.
  • use the vocabulary items in discussions, with correct meanings.
  • use appropriate collocations for some of the vocabulary items.


  • critically select and evaluate the information on the internet.
  • be aware of the legal and ethical use of the information.
  • use digital media for expressing your opinions and ideas.
  • collaboratively work in a team.
  • constructively comment and criticize the work of your colleagues.